MEMBER SPOTLIGHT: GlowyShit’s Last-Minute Burning Man Packing List

EJ Harkness
2 min readAug 19, 2015

Like most industry towns, San Francisco tends to empty out during certain parts of the year. For bay-area tech workers, the office often turns into a ghost town around the end of August, when tens of thousands of scientists, artists, and free spirits of all ilk descend upon Black Rock Desert, Nevada, for Burning Man.

One of PARISOMA’s most glowy members, Ben Greenberg — founder of — has graciously put together a comprehensive equipment roster for those of you who picked up a ticket at the last minute (or have been procrastinating since January). He’s also got some helpful insights for veteran Burners.

As an occasional camper, I was particularly impressed by the suggestion to pack not one but two CamelBaks — backpacks with built-in water reservoirs, for the unitiated — so that you can keep a Day Pack and a Night Pack handy. Given the temperature extremes of the desert, there are bound to be certain accessories you’ll only use when the sun is up and others you’ll only use when the sun is down, and having dedicated packs for these distinct climate conditions is a great way to ensure you don’t lose your favorite headlamp in some new friend’s tent as you scramble to fit in the sun goggles you’ll need for a new day’s adventures.

Other great takeaways include making sure you’ve got a big enough tent to actually live in for a week, bringing some breakfast shakes (which don’t spoil in the heat), and a helpful reminder that no one ever alienated a new friend by offering an occasion-appropriate trinket of goodwill. Ben’s suggestion? Glowy rings, of course.

Everything in Ben’s guide is available on Amazon Prime — so if you place your order before noon, you can have your stuff before you go to bed. Nice!

Check out the complete guide on

Originally published at on August 19, 2015.



EJ Harkness

Digital Strategist working at the intersection of content and user experience. Learning to code so I can hack into your website and fix your grammar.