So Long, Medium!

Parity Technologies
Parity Technologies
1 min readNov 6, 2019

TL;DR: The official Parity Technologies blog will no longer be replicated on Medium. Visit for all future updates.

In the interest of data sovereignty, privacy, and open-source values, we’ve decided to only host our blog at

We’re committed to building the future of Web3 — an open and decentralized internet — and our choice of publication platforms should reflect this as much as possible. With this in mind, we’d like to begin moving away from centralized intermediaries whose incentives and practices may not always align with our own.

Going forward, the Parity blog will only be live at, which is powered by the open-source blogging platform Ghost. This will allow us to maintain complete control over our own content and data, avoid potential censorship, and make sure our posts can be seen by the entire community.

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