Answering Christianity’s Most Difficult Questions

A review of Rebecca McLaughlin’s instant-classic *Confronting Christianity: 12 Hard Questions for the World’s Largest Religion*

Jason Park
Park & Recommendations


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Aren’t we better off without religion?

Does Christianity crush diversity?

How can you say there’s only one true faith?

How can you take the Bible literally?

Hasn’t science disproved Christianity?

Doesn’t Christianity denigrate women?

Isn’t Christianity homophobic?

If you’re not a Christian, have you found yourself asking these questions before?

If you are a Christian, have you thought through the answers to these questions?

Rebecca McLaughlin’s wonderful Confronting Christianity is written for everyone because it slowly walks through answers to these hard questions (and more). I have been in church my entire life, yet some of McLaughlin’s answers in Confronting Christianity have helped me see the Bible and my Christian faith in a deeper way than ever before. These answers are not new interpretations of Christian scripture, and they are not infused with either progressive or conservative political ideologies. They are based…



Jason Park
Park & Recommendations

Book-reviewer, AP World History and AP Psychology Teacher. MAT Secondary Social Studies, University of Arkansas. Arlington, TX.