The Power of Pennies: Using Strategic Booklists to Shape Future Achievers.

Brian Parke
Parke Publishing
Published in
3 min readJul 20, 2024

In our quest to nurture well-rounded, knowledgeable, and inquisitive children, it becomes crucial to not just encourage a reading habit, but also guide the selection of reading material. By rewarding your kids with $0.01 per page for reading books from a curated list, we can subtly steer their intellectual growth while providing a fun, motivating incentive. And the reward doesn’t just stop at a penny; it accumulates in their savings account, destined for bigger purchases and memorable life experiences.

Here’s how such a program could work:

1. Building a Strategic Booklist: Tailor a booklist that aligns with your child’s interests and academic needs, yet also broadens their horizons. This list could include classic literature, historical accounts, scientific explorations, biographies, or books that touch on essential life skills. The idea is to diversify their reading and expose them to different genres, cultures, ideas, and perspectives.

2. Creating a Savings Account: For every page read, deposit a penny into their savings account. This financial reward serves as a tangible motivation for the child to engage with the curated books. It’s not just about reading for the sake of reading but also reading to earn.

3. Planning Future Rewards: The money saved can be earmarked for bigger rewards. Maybe it’s that bicycle they’ve been eyeing, a family trip to an amusement park, or even their first car. This way, kids can see a direct connection between their intellectual efforts and major milestones or exciting experiences.

This system brings several benefits:

1. Guided Learning: A thoughtfully curated reading list can help guide your child’s intellectual development. It introduces them to new ideas, subjects, and literary styles that they might not have explored on their own.

2. Fosters Financial Responsibility: The savings account component introduces the concept of saving and the joy of seeing one’s savings grow over time. This encourages financial responsibility and instills the value of earning.

3. Motivation and Reward: A significant future purchase or experience serves as an excellent motivator. It’s an incentive that goes beyond immediate gratification and teaches the value of patience and long-term planning.

4. Enhanced Reading Experience: Reading a wide range of books enhances vocabulary, comprehension skills, critical thinking, empathy, and overall knowledge. It promotes personal growth, awareness, and understanding of the world around them.

5. Balancing Screen Time: This scheme also serves as an excellent strategy to balance screen time. Instead of spending hours glued to a digital device, your child can spend that time enriching their mind and contributing to their future rewards.

Ultimately, the penny-per-page approach serves a dual purpose: it instills a love for reading while simultaneously teaching the value of money and savings. It’s a comprehensive method to ensure that your child’s reading habit contributes not just to their intellectual growth, but also their financial understanding and future life experiences.

As parents, we should remember that the real goal is not to make kids read more for the sake of reading, but to help them appreciate the joys of reading and the knowledge it offers. The pennies earned and the consequent rewards are just the cherry on top of a lifelong journey of discovery, learning, and personal growth.

