The Two-Penny Worth Wisdom: Encouraging Reading in Kids.

Brian Parke
Parke Publishing
Published in
4 min readJul 21, 2024

As parents, we’re always on the lookout for new and effective strategies to encourage our children to embrace healthy habits, skills, and interests. In our fast-paced, digital-driven world, one particular practice often takes a backseat in children’s daily routines: reading books. More often than not, the bright screen of mobile devices and the instant gratification of digital games eclipse the slow-burning but highly rewarding pleasure of reading a good book. So, how do we restore the balance and cultivate a love for reading in our children? The solution may lie in an interesting and incentivized approach: paying kids $0.01 per page to read books of their choosing.

At first glance, this idea might appear as simply another way to spoil our kids. However, it goes beyond that, as it encourages children to engage with books, harnesses their inherent curiosity, and serves as an investment into their intellectual and personal development.

Here’s why you might want to consider this novel approach:

1. Promotes a Reading Habit: The biggest challenge in getting children to read is making it a regular habit. With the proposed method, children are financially incentivized to keep turning the pages, creating a consistent engagement with books. Slowly but surely, they will become accustomed to the routine of reading and begin to derive pleasure from the activity itself, making the incentive secondary.

2. Allows Freedom of Choice: Letting children choose their books plays a vital role in encouraging them to read. It allows them to explore their interests and enhances their engagement. By providing an incentive to read any book they want, we foster their sense of independence and curiosity.

3. Keeps Mobile Device Usage in Check: In an era dominated by screens, this approach offers a refreshing alternative. By providing a monetary reward for every page read, we encourage children to trade some of their screen time for reading time, helping to create a healthier balance between the digital and analog world.

4. Develops Lifelong Skills: Reading is not just an isolated activity; it’s a gateway to lifelong skills. It enriches vocabulary, enhances comprehension, fosters empathy, and broadens horizons. Every page read is an investment in building these crucial abilities that positively affect all areas of life.

5. Teaches the Value of Money: Beyond getting kids to read, this practice also introduces a simple but effective way to teach kids the value of money and the concept of earning. They understand that money is earned through effort and that even a small amount like a penny has value when accumulated over time.

6. Fosters a Sense of Achievement: Earning a reward after completing a task gives children a sense of accomplishment and boosts their self-esteem. It motivates them to set and achieve more goals, and this practice can then be applied to other aspects of life.

7. Provides Quality Family Time: Reading could also be a great way to spend quality time together as a family. You could organize weekly book discussions or simply spend time reading together. This shared activity could foster a deeper connection amongst family members while promoting a healthy habit.

8. Cultivates Patience and Perseverance: Unlike many digital activities, reading a book requires patience and focus. It may take days or even weeks to complete a book and earn the full reward. This slow and steady process helps teach kids the values of patience, perseverance, and delayed gratification.

9. Encourages Critical Thinking: By prompting your child to read more, you’re not only improving their reading and comprehension skills but also encouraging them to think critically about what they’ve read. Discussing the book’s themes, characters, and plotlines can further foster their analytical skills.

10. Ignites a Love for Lifelong Learning: Reading opens the door to a myriad of subjects and ideas, sparking curiosity and a love for learning. Encouraging reading at a young age can set the foundation for a lifelong pursuit of knowledge.

This approach is not about commodifying the act of reading or creating future bookworms but about planting a seed of interest that will hopefully grow into a love for reading. It’s an investment in your child’s future — both in terms of intellect and character.

Remember, every child is different, and what works for one might not work for another. The idea is to provide a nudge and create an environment conducive to reading. The rewards — both tangible and intangible — will naturally follow.

To implement this practice, start with setting clear rules and expectations. Communicate openly with your child and encourage them to choose books that genuinely interest them. Keep track of their progress and praise them for their efforts. As your children grow and develop their love for reading, they will begin to understand that the true reward of reading is not the pennies earned, but the worlds discovered, the lives lived, and the wisdom gained.

The penny-per-page approach could be the little push that children need to open the gateway to a lifelong journey of learning, growth, and personal development through reading.

Remember, this approach is not a one-size-fits-all solution, and its effectiveness may vary based on a child’s interest and personality. Some kids may need a little more motivation than others. However, the main goal remains the same: to cultivate a love for reading.

In conclusion, paying your child $0.01 per page they read may seem like a small amount, but the benefits reaped can be monumental. It’s an investment in their future that can shape their personalities, nurture their skills, and enhance their lives in countless ways. The lure of earning money might draw them towards a book initially, but eventually, it’s the enchanting world of stories, the wealth of knowledge, and the joy of reading that will keep them hooked.

The humble penny, it turns out, might just be the golden ticket to raising thoughtful, well-rounded, and intellectually curious children in this digital age.

