The Adventure I Call Life

Parker Glen Goodwin
Parker Goodwin’s Portfolio
3 min readOct 16, 2018

My name is Parker Goodwin and I am passionate about many things in my life. My most important asset to me is my family, my beautiful wife Rebecca and my dear son Harrison. When I am not code-slinging behind a computer screen, most of the time I am in the saddle of my mountain bike or on a river fly fishing to recharge and gain clarity with my path in life. I have long loved to be on a computer doing various things and learning new processes, I never planned on working with a computer. I have since learned that I am very good with various fields of technology and web development and design with a hint of UX is right where my sweet spot is.

My wife Rebecca and myself. We had a chilly wedding day.

Growing up I have 4 older brothers and all of them have turned out to be incredibly successful in all of their professions. I always have had great examples growing up because of them and a vast amount of career paths to choose. All of my brothers have influenced me immensely. My oldest brother, Stewart has left a profound example for me in particular.

My mini-me, Harrison. He is 4 months old and active as ever. I love him more than my computer even. That’s a lot of love

Growing up, we rode bikes together on a local bike path, I consider him my hero. He started a creative agency as a side hustle back in 2006 called Goodwin Media. They specialize in web development and design, UX/UI design, marketing and branding and helping local and national e-commerce brands grow. I always loved working on computers and I discovered a love for being behind one, I got my first tech job at BlueHost, a local web hosting company, and there I learned a vast wealth of knowledge that springboarded me into doing what I love. Building websites from nothing and seeing the final product and knowing that I built that is a very fulfilling thing.

I was unfortunately laid off along with many other people. I was in between jobs and not in a happy spot with where I was. I reached out and Goodwin Media had an opening for a QA Engineer and a Content Manager. I was hired after consideration and have been working in the agency for almost a year.

With my time while I have been at Utah Valley University, I have learned many valuable skills that have helped me gain a solid footing in an ever-changing industry. I learned everything from HTML5 and CSS3 to more complex concepts involving web frameworks such as Bootstrap and GreenSock Animations. This has allowed me to set myself apart to employers looking for younger developers and designers.

The web development and design programs at UVU have allowed me to become a competent worker in today’s workforce. I love the challenge that coding can present to me as a developer. I know that with the program that is offered at UVU will help me become a better developer and designer as I grow in this field.

This is my backyard. Where I am free.



Parker Glen Goodwin
Parker Goodwin’s Portfolio

Husband. Father. Web Developer. Currently a Content Manager and Quality Assurance Engineer at Goodwin Media, a local creative agency. Always looking to do good.