The Awesome Power Behind JavaScript

Parker Glen Goodwin
Parker Goodwin’s Portfolio
3 min readOct 16, 2018

JavaScript. The word alone scares away so many people because of the vast possibilities for which it can be used. It is a complex coding language that can create nearly any function that the human mind can come up with. JavaScript is the future of Web Development. There will soon be a time of reckoning for all developers and if you do not know JS, you may be in trouble.

HTML and CSS are great and are utilized all over the web for webpages. JavaScript allows pages to have more functionality and all of the major web browsers can read JS no problem. It allows the page to be more functional and friendly to the user, HTML is very limited when it is used alone. Pretty boring too.

JS has a pretty cool logo as well.

I have had several projects that involved using JavaScript. It has a limitless amount of functions and other things that it can do. I created several small projects for a course a while back that involved the most everyday basic functions of JS, everything from loops to switch statements and arrays. A few of those projects are listed below.

Fortune Teller Game — Switch Statements

This was a game I created using various switch statements to tell the user their fortune. Most of them are a load of garbage and a sad excuse to laugh at. The basic function of a switch statement is simple, the code is ran and in this case, it is a random variable that selects another statement and executes another section of code. It is a very valuable tool for retrieving certain information.

The Arborist — Arrays and Events

This is a site I created that is an example of arrays, arrays are a list of items and are very close to that of a function. Elements inside of an array can be any type of Javascript. This particular page also has event handlers. Selecting a certain button will give you a certain tree after hitting a few of the event handlers, these simply are areas where JavaScript code is executed when clicked on.

Unique Name Machine — Capstone Project

This project was a final project for a course I was enrolled in, it most is variables that change the way a person’s name is spelled. The user enters their name and then the code runs their name and based upon the letters in it, they are replaced with something beyond ridiculous. If statements are used in this as well if statements are conditionals that if they are true, then that segment of code is ran, so if you have an “a” in your name, this app would replace it with an “eh”.


JavaScript is here to stay and the future of development will be tightly knit within the code that JavaScript runs. Most internet applications run some sort of JS and have it to enhance the user experience. JavaScript makes life easier, sweeter and better.

Parker Goodwin is a student in the Digital Media program at Utah Valley University, Orem Utah, studying Web & App Development. The following article relates to (JavaScript, HTML and CSS) in the (DGM 2760 Course) and representative of the skills learned.



Parker Glen Goodwin
Parker Goodwin’s Portfolio

Husband. Father. Web Developer. Currently a Content Manager and Quality Assurance Engineer at Goodwin Media, a local creative agency. Always looking to do good.