Mobility as a Service (MaaS) and the end of parking?

Cassie Yang
Published in
2 min readSep 28, 2018

Mobility is the freedom to travel from A to B to Z to do the important and enjoyable things in life.

we LOVE this concept.

is all about you — providing you with personalized mobility solutions that make use of this wide range of mobility options. When I thought of cars 10 years ago, I tended to associate them with freedom, the freedom to go anywhere anytime. We’ve also seen vehicle commercials targeting at our emotions of security, family bond and the sense of belonging.

However, we believe that private car ownership will utterly transform in 10–20 years with the impact of Mobility as a Service(MaaS) and the coming fleet of autonomous cars. If we end private car ownership, we effectively end the need for parking. With connected vehicles and infrastructures, parking will be taken care of in our vehicles’ back-end. Here’s how it might go:

  • The Victorian government has just passed new laws on allowing autonomous vehicles trial on roads. You can expect to see these driverless cars being tested on roads from mid-2018 (well, once regulations have been further developed and finalized).
Photo: Uber (How Uber’s first self-driving car works)
Photo: an example of similar lidar-created imagery
  • In the global landscape, Uber autonomous cars are being tested in 4 major cities already. It’s obvious that taking an autonomous uber ride will be cheaper than owning a car, also more convenient. Because when you think of it, maybe you don’t have to actually drive at all.
  • More parking lots will be repurposed to provide for more of our needs with new restaurants, retail shops, parks, etc.

All of these are going to happen for sure, maybe sooner than you might think. How fascinating!

More thoughts on our findings next time.

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Edit by Maud Wang

