Go to Parlor Tricks
Parlor Tricks
The political arena is a farce. You either choose to laugh at it, or you have to go mad. Parlor Tricks chooses to laugh. If we can’t get rid of fake news and propaganda, might as well make a mockery of it. Parlor Tricks publishes political and media satire on Medium.
Note from the editor

Parlor Tricks is a publication on Medium that focuses on political stories, looking behind the curtain of the propaganda stream most mainstream news organization have become known for.

Go to the profile of Jay Sizemore
Jay Sizemore
Provocative truth teller, author of APNEA & Ignore the Dead. Cat dad. Dog dad. Husband. Currently working from Portland, Oregon. Learn more at: Jaysizemore.com.
Go to the profile of Steven Craig
Steven Craig
Steven Craig is the author of the best-selling novel WAITING FOR TODAY. Read his blog TRUTH: IN 1000 WORDS OR LESS on Thursdays at www.waitingfortoday.com
Go to the profile of Samantha Lazar
Samantha Lazar
Poetry, fiction, and essays in celebration of being a lover of life. https://linktr.ee/lazarsamantha
Go to the profile of Sean Meyer
Sean Meyer
Want to see how one article generated over $100K? If so, read my case study at: https://paperwebinar.com/
Go to the profile of Caren White
Caren White
Top Writer in Politics and Government. I always speak my mind. Follow me on Mastodon @carenawhite
Go to the profile of SnarkWell
I’ve got a good mind to be Snarky.
Go to the profile of Alexander Ziperovich
Alexander Ziperovich
Essayist, opinion columnist, dyspeptic political analyst, historian. I spread anti-propaganda. @alexziperovich Also at alexziperovich.substack.com
Go to the profile of Up-archically Thrilled
Up-archically Thrilled
Philo-fun-ist on a pathing to find the earnest through the morass of the contrived
Go to the profile of Gary Janosz
Gary Janosz
Finding the humor in a world of frustration. Always learning, usually the hard way.
Go to the profile of Sally Pina
Sally Pina
Retired, extremely liberal and a political junkie. I despise most rethugs but love the animal kingdom and every living thing on our planet.
Go to the profile of Shimon Avish
Shimon Avish
Author of historical fiction novels, I am trained as a political scientist, and retain an enduring interest in how humanity works. Website: shimonavish.com
Go to the profile of J. D. Penn
J. D. Penn
She/Her, crafter, world-class worrier, early-rising insomniac, YouTube addict, Humanist. When I write, it’s mostly dark-ish fiction and poetry. Learning’s good.