Thoughts On My Drive

Free verse poetry

Samantha Lazar
Parlor Tricks
Published in
Jan 20, 2021


Photo by Jan Meeus on Unsplash

somewhere behind me
beside me
passing by me
is holding tight
to their god-given
not to re-humanize

they are thinking right
now how angry
something that won’t
ever touch them
makes them

like being mad
at a robin
for its arrival
in spring
how rude,
its ruddy breast
how unthinkable,
its turquoise eggs
on nest

they will separate
they will stay hateful
they will show force
they will pay no mind
to what I deem

a belief so tight
a vice
a snapped guitar
string, how anger
slices what’s right

a child, fingers
in ears, displays
of defiance
to even consider
the thoughts of
people in cars
having thoughts
right beside them
behind them
passing by them.

Samantha Lazar 2021

