What Republicans Heard Joe Biden Say

Joe Biden just gave his first State of the Union address; here is what Republicans think he said.

Jay Sizemore
Parlor Tricks
Published in
5 min readApr 29, 2021


Joe Biden speaks — Melina Mara, Reuters

Yesterday, President Joe Biden gave his first State of the Union address, summing up the achievements of his initial hundred days occupying office, and attempting to set the stage for what he hopes to accomplish with the rest of his administration’s first term. He spoke repeatedly about action, calling for Democrats to pass legislation with a sense of urgency, perhaps fearing that their majority seat holdings will not last through the mid-term elections coming in the next two years.

While he called for unity and bi-partisanship, it was abundantly clear that Republicans were not hearing the same speech. Points that Biden hit upon often got standing rounds of applause from Congressional Democrats, while the Republicans sat sternly in their seats. Ted Cruz at one point even appeared to be asleep. And Mitt Romney looked to be holding in a fart for the entire speech, his face flushed red, and his brow furrowed in deep lines of consternation.

Below is a summary of the points covered by Biden in his address, which lasted roughly an hour, and the way these points were perceived by the conservative side of the aisle.



Jay Sizemore
Parlor Tricks

Provocative truth teller, author of APNEA & Ignore the Dead. Cat dad. Dog dad. Husband. Currently working from Portland, Oregon. Learn more at: Jaysizemore.com.