Why Is It So Difficult Arguing with Trump Supporters?

Their flawed concept of evidence makes them immune to reason

Sean Myers
Parlor Tricks
Published in
8 min readJan 24, 2021


(Photo by Aubrey Hicks on Unsplash)

Any liberal who has tried to argue with a Trump supporter has a story to tell.

My favorite is when a friend of a friend who worked in a fire department told everyone that we should “reopen the country” and “try for herd immunity” from the coronavirus. The “debate” that we had went as follows, verbatim:

Me: That would be inhumane.

Him: Then why don’t fire fighters have to follow COVID protocol?

Me: Are you saying that the virus doesn’t exist?

Him: Why don’t fire fighters have to follow COVID protocol?

Me: Are you saying that it doesn’t exist?

Him: Why don’t fire fighters have to follow COVID protocol?

Me: Are you saying that it doesn’t exist?

Him: I asked you first.

Me: [starts laughing]

Him: [gets up to leave] I can’t stand you f****** liberals.

I would later learn that he was telling his friends that he had “ruined” me in this argument.

Why these failed discussions happen is difficult to pin down. It’s easy to just write off…



Sean Myers
Parlor Tricks

Author of the Cancelling Reality newsletter and author of Flight of Fools, a satire/fantasy about escapism — https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0B49PRRSF