Buon Viaggio Potluck Party

Rita Prigioni
Parmesan Cheeseheads
4 min readJul 3, 2016

Ciao a tutti!! Our crate is making its journey to Parma, Italy. We will be making our own journey on July 11, 2016, arriving in Parma on July 12, 2016.

Join us at our “buon viaggio” potluck party at the Knuckle Down Saloon tavern. You are all invited! It is a potluck, so please bring some food to share! There will be a cash bar for beverages. This is a low-key, chit-chat kind of party. We hope to see as many of you as we can before we head off to Italy.

We had a wonderful time at our farewell party. It was so much fun to see so many friends and family! A great big thank-you to our very good friend and “brother” to Larry, Chris Kalmbach for hosting the party at his tavern. From our hearts, we thank you for your generosity, support and good wishes. We hope that we’ll see many of you when you visit Italy! If that’s not possible, then we’ll catch up when we visit Madison. For us, this is not “Good-bye, farewell…” but, “Ci vediamo!” (We’ll see you!)

Later in the day, we will be having karaoke for those of you who want to sing along to some cowboy songs. Larry and his former college roommates, Mark Zimmer and Joel Wolfgram, used to sing in a non-professional band called, “Wacko Bob and the Skillet Lickers.” They will be trying to relive the experience and you can join in the fun!

Wacko Bob and the Skillet Lickers — back together again!

Here are some photos of our party. We know we weren’t able to capture everyone who attended, but you are in our memories, and we thank you for being there!



Rita Prigioni
Parmesan Cheeseheads

Dual USA and Italian citizen, who recently moved to Parma, Italy to experience the Italian culture.