Farewell, Car

Rita Prigioni
Parmesan Cheeseheads
2 min readJul 6, 2016

We just accomplished our last major milestone before heading off to live in Italy. Up to this point, we had sold or given away all of our furniture and most of the possessions we owned. This included Larry’s prized “Il Corvo Pedicab.” Our only remaining possession was our car.

With only a few days left before we depart for Italy, we made arrangements to sell our car that we’ve had since 2001. Now, it’s not like this was such a special car, but we were a one-car family and we depended on that car for all of our traveling needs. Our car was a 2001 sage green Passat station wagon. Years ago, we added cross bars to the roof rack so we could easily transport our canoe. It was ideal to use for camping trips and other out-of-town excursions.

Larry remarked that it was the nicest car that he ever drove. I didn’t drive much as I preferred to be the navigator, but when I did, it wasn’t too bad to drive. That’s “high praise” coming from me!

We especially liked the heated seats. Wisconsin winters can be brutal at times. When we bought the car, this was such a luxury feature and an upgrade from our Ford Ranger truck.

Yesterday, July 5, 2016, we sold our car to our former neighbor’s brother, who is a fan of Volkswagon cars. We hope it will provide him many miles of “fahrvergnügen” (driving enjoyment) in the years to come.

Handing over the keys to its new owner

Farewell, car…



Rita Prigioni
Parmesan Cheeseheads

Dual USA and Italian citizen, who recently moved to Parma, Italy to experience the Italian culture.