Year 3018: #MeToo remembrance day

21st century story: When We Say #MeToo, We Mean It!

Héms 😎
4 min readJan 9, 2018


Every year on this #MeToo remembrance day, we pick a real life story to highlight the horrendous times women lived then. While we enjoy our freedom in year 3018, let us take a moment to remember the struggle of women centuries ago.

Below is a heart-wrenching story of a woman from 21st century in her own words, who was sexually abused and molested by males. And it is titled as “When we say #MeToo, we mean it.”


My vivid memories of an incident that shook my life forever. I was first sexually abused by a 12 year old nephew, when I was 39 years old, in my house, even while other women were present.

I accurately remember what I was wearing, when and where it happened, where he touched me, how helpless I felt and how I locked myself in the bathroom and cried silently afterwards. Felt helpless by the arrogance of 12 year old man over me.

Decades later, I finally made a statement to myself and quit a family event in which he is present. I’m no longer with my family, but at least I don’t relive nasty memories!

Assault moment:

I was an average nerd with very few friends at 39. Between my thick glasses and my hairstyle, I was totally nerdy.

I grew up in a halfway house. I was never allowed to have sleepovers or even hang out with friends after my work shift at Gentleman’s club. I had decent earnings off tips from providing lap dancing service.

And yet, it happened to me. Sexual assault, molestation by preteen boys.

Public Transit:

If you were middle class and rode the public transit during peak hours, young boys tried to grope you “accidentally” all the time and they were just half the height, bumping into sensitive female parts.

Digifact — 2 year old man trying to sexually assault a woman in Public transit.

“A Picture is worth a thousand words.”

Above Digifact is evidence that even 2 year old man was trying to sexually assault a woman in Public Transit and that woman was scared and frightened.

Women are born victims and Men are born abusers.

21st century women were constantly under attack by men. All the Fucking time.

Men are born aggressors, women are not safe even from 2 year old man. Oppression of women everywhere. Women were forced to live in fear.

Systematic Oppression:

Every girlfriend of mine has been abused by men. Every single one of them.

Many of my friends were teachers at middle school and still they were NOT spared by those student boys. Often those boys were preteens and teenagers who molested and sexually assaulted my friends in 30’s and 40’s who were teachers at that time.

There is Institutional oppression which further persecuted and labelled us women as criminals and pedophiles. As teachers, these women were serving the community, but it was always “Blame the victim” by the narcissistic male chauvinist society.

Blame the victim:

But none of us spoke about this to anyone. Until now. I was afraid of being blamed for being the victim. Everyone would ask embarrassing questions to us women. “Did you lure those boys?” Or even “Are you sure? There’s no way he’d do that, he is too young!”. The questions that would follow were endless. And I was afraid of them.

For generations, we’ve viewed the solution to sexual abuse as more suppression of women. It has been about telling women that it was our fault that it happened.

#MeToo movement:

It is high time we brought a societal change to the way we view women and the sexual behaviors of boys towards us. And most of all, stop blaming the victim! Women are not the instigators of sexual abuse by boys! Such is the story of every woman I knew.

Fight until we have “Lady Hitler” ruling this world.

This #MeToo movement and fight for women’s rights must continue until we achieve our goal of “Lady Hitler” ruling this world.

This story was written in an ancient language called “English”, so it is deciphered, decoded and translated by team of archaeologists, scientists and historians for easy reading.

Welcome back to the year 3018. We all are aware of the history of human civilization that survived Nazism, Feminism. We must be thankful to those brave humans who fought for humanity that lead to current modern Gandhian society of 31st century where we all live in Peace and Harmony.

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Smile more and enjoy life!

No pun intended. Have some laugh. Take it Easy Ladies!



Héms 😎

"Being Human". Omnist. Be ‘Happy’ and add more happiness to others. Translating thoughts into words.