Cintrec. An innovative alternative to plastic.

Ana Elena Perales
Parque Tecnológico Orión
2 min readSep 29, 2022

Have you ever thought about the possibility of creating and using plastic packaging made from organic waste without decreasing or damaging the product’s quality? A bioplastic like that could help decrease significantly pollution caused by plastic consumption worldwide. Well, guess what? I have amazing news for you! Cintrec is already in search of developing a completely functional bioplastic that will increase the quality and resistance of products while remaining completely organic and ecologic. Keep reading to get to know them!

Arely Jiménez and Cristina Pallares, founders of Cintrec, are in search of changing today’s reality by creating a completely biodegradable plastic made entirely from two key elements: nutshell and polylactic acid. As impressive as it sounds, it is possible to create bioplastic pellets that may replace a great share of the plastic used nowadays both in the automotive industry and the packing and packaging industry.

Starting the development of their innovative idea since 2020, both have achieved their goal to prove that a reality where plastic can be substituted by an organic and better alternative is possible. Their solution not only helps with environmental care, but also increases the durability of plastic products, reduces costs and promotes a circular economy, All with a product that comes from organic waste!

Nowaday, both continue to develop their project at Nova Orion Startup incubation program under the advice of experts such as Itzel Córdova, Juan Cristobal and Alan Hernández. Their next goal is to achieve the complete and final elaboration of their product at specialized laboratories, including CIMAV Chihuahua, so that they can soon start with the commercialization and direct distribution of their product.

Each day, they are closer to achieving their main goal by working daily with enthusiasm to provide an alternative to plastic that can help to change the world we all know, while still inspiring other entrepreneurs to continue innovating.

