KUUBS: Facilitates construction

Andrea Balderrama
Parque Tecnológico Orión
2 min readJun 22, 2021

K’UUBS, give yourself totally to something or someone (meaning of the word in Mayan). Trust generates security and satisfaction, something that Kuubs seeks to get among the owners and users of its digital platform that focused on construction.

Kuubs is a platform that serves as an intermediary to connect owners of construction machinery with users who need it and want to rent it to carry out their construction projects. It seeks to benefit both sides, people who want to have more income for their machines and people who do not want to invest in a new machine but at the same time do not find it easy to rent one.

The goal that Kuubs has is to facilitate construction and not only to generate infrastructure but also to improve it and maintain it. It will generate income for the implicated parts and be a win-win for everyone, including people who use the infrastructure.

The idea arose from the desire and interest in entrepreneurship between two partners, Osvaldo Míreles and Omar Márquez, civil and mechanical engineers who, after talking and joining ideas, concluded start to develop what today is Kuubs. After a time of research, of all about entrepreneurship, they were interested in high-impact incubators. They found out about the Nova Orion program on the Orion Technology Park and decided to enter their vertical Data & Al. Time later, Jorge Moreno decided to join the project, that’s why thanks to him and all his knowledge and the technological talent he possesses, the programming could be successfully achieved.

For Kuubs, being in the program means receiving light, a good guide, and support for all the way they are going through. Omar, one of the founders, thinks this: “It feels good to know that we are advised, by informed people with efficient and innovative tools and methodologies” (Márquez,2021)

Currently, Kuubs continues to work and develop the project, but above all, the motivation never goes away. They believe that they can make a difference in the way things are done in construction and impact the country for everyone to win!

