Ra Project: A new and innovative alternative for education

Andrea Balderrama
Parque Tecnológico Orión
2 min readApr 17, 2021

Education has lost the impact it had before since the same traditional teaching method is still used. Ra Project is an augmented reality application designed to focus on education that allows students to experience a new way of learning but not as they usually do.

Ra Project came up since they won a course in Querétaro on new technologies and augmented and virtual reality in 2019. Since then, the idea of applying new technologies for the future began.

Ra Project offers an alternative to all the traditional methods used by schools. It works through a didactic book, in which it is only necessary to pass a smartphone with the app over it to be able to see, listen and even move images in 3D. This type of support tool would use all three types of learning: visual, auditory, and kinesthetic.

The main objective of Ra project is to demonstrate that the app can function as a tool to complement all contents seen in class, as well as incentivize innovatively. This will help to attract students to the study and have the option to do so in a more didactic, fun, and interesting way.

The project entered the Orion Technology Park in its Data & Al vertical of the Nova Orion incubation program this year and is now working to adapt the project to new generations, seeking the development of their capacities and more effective learning.

This project would not only help with new ways of teaching and more interesting methods but could make a significant change by improving the quality of education and promoting active learning.

