SocialTech. Agriculture’s future.

Ana Elena Perales
Parque Tecnológico Orión
2 min readOct 13, 2022

Imagine being able to change thousands of lives with simple technological solutions within everyone’s reach. This is what Social Tech does daily, a business focused on developing simple technological solutions for the indigenous agriculture in Mexico. Abraham Aviles, CEO and founder of the company, alongside his team, has achieved social impact on more than 40 indigenous microregions throughout Mexico. Now, Social Tech looks forward to taking the next step, searching for investors during their next investment round that will help them to continue impacting more communities in need of a change.

Social Tech México.

Social Tech, with their business model based on technology transfer, has managed to design and bring to life multiple machinery specialized in coffee harvesting, such as their Jr135 harvester used in mountain harvesting, or their Coffee Pulping Bike Model including a washing module, which allows farmers to carry out their work efficiently and, above all, improving their life quality.

The company is currently part of the extensive network of projects within the Tech-based incubation program at Orion Technological Park in Chihuahua, Mexico. There they continue working on their business structure, looking forward to become9 a solid and strongly consolidated company. They work under the advice of multiple experts who provide them with both technical and business advice.

Social Tech’s current team.

Now, the Social Tech team is looking for investors at their next investment round in order to help more farmers attain economical benefits and effectively improve their quality of life in a sustainable way. The agricultural equipment developed by Social Tech is not only efficient and easy-to-use technology, but it is also self-replicable, which allows communities to continue growing with the resources available and the machinery made by themselves.

Social Tech is a company that, in addition to offering a product that makes an impact by creating shared value, also provides and shares knowledge at the communities they reach. They always seek to go further by generating a change that truly provides well-being to the people who live in the areas where they have managed to reach.

Coffee producers with Social Tech’s machinery, JR135 Harvester.

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Contact information

Director / CEO

T. M. Abraham Aviles.

Mobile: (+52) 55–10273613 | Email:

