Crowdsale unsuccessful, and now closed.

Parsec Frontiers CM
Parsec Frontiers
2 min readJul 17, 2018


It is with a heavy heart we must face the fact that our main crowd sale has not reached its soft cap. We have tried and failed to secure the necessary funding for the project, and as such the future of the project is uncertain.

We will, within the next few days, do the following:

  • Announce the procedure for refunding of participants in the crowd sale
  • Distribute the bounty tokens from the crowd sale bounty
  • Distribute the Telegram bounty tokens
  • Distribute the pre-sale bonus tokens

During August, most likely mid-month, we will conduct a physical meeting in Oslo where pre-sale investors, project partners, advisors and other interested parties are invited to join. At the meeting, we will summarize the work that has been carried out in joint retrospect, answer questions, and have an open discussion on what can be done to continue the project. The date and exact location will be announced at least two weeks prior.

On a closing note: Our project has been met with strong enthusiasm by so many, and we are honestly puzzled why and how a quite successful pre-sale could be followed by very little investments in the main round. We know for sure it is NOT because of the strong backing and enthusiasm from our community — thank you SO much for your efforts to aid the project forward!

