Interactive Community Driven Background Story for Parsec Frontiers

Oliver Castle
Parsec Frontiers
Published in
2 min readMay 10, 2018
2243 — Victoria Land, Antarctica

“Built with the players” is one of the key pillars of the development of Parsec Frontiers, and we want to embrace this philosophy in the story building as well. We are therefore very excited to announce, that as of today, we will kick off an interactive story campaign on Twitter where the community will decide the background story for the game.

Once per week we will post the next story update. Each tweet has a poll with multiple possible answers, each answer leads to very different options and paths for Humanity. Each decision will dictate how the story plays out, and can change the background story that we have hinted at in the past. It could even have gameplay impacts, changing some of the key parameters for the initial setup when the game begins.

This is what the first tweet looks like:

Click here to join the first community driven interactive story campaign on Twitter!

For more information please join the conversation on our Discord or follow us on Twitter, and learn more about the game at its webpage. Also remember to clap and share if you like this content.

