#elulwithme: Arrogance

Harper Hazelmare
Parsha Posts
Published in
1 min readSep 3, 2020


Pink roses behind the word Arrogance.

Arrogance is a word that too often gets conflated with security, self-possession, and confidence. It’s a word that often gets hurled at people out of jealousy or misunderstanding.

There’s the other reality of Arrogance that makes us big talkers, unable to fulfill the big dreams we puff up our chests about and pull others into our sphere of influence; it speaks to ambition without work, accolades without responsibility.

Arrogance may show up when feeling disenfranchised, an armor to protect oneself from the fears of being “less than” in a world that accepts only the 110% each and every day. It’s an unsustainable way to live, interact, and think of one’s self.

What do you define as enough?

Where is self-worth within the realm of plenty?



Harper Hazelmare
Parsha Posts

Writer of cautionary tales, lyrical narratives, and curated essayist. Maker of writings & art at brownhorseherbal.com. (she/they + we/our/ours)