#BUIDL at ETHDenver 2022: Learn About PARSIQ, One-Stop Solution for Blockchain Data

The PARSIQ team is excited to sponsor ETHDenver 2022! As we were only able to participate virtually in the hackathon last year, we are looking forward to finally meeting fellow BUIDLers in-person this time!

5 min readJan 27, 2022


We are excited to showcase PARSIQ’s technology, and eager to share its various use cases and future development to the community.

PARSIQ aims to become the go-to enabler of widespread adoption of blockchain technologies, by giving everyone the ability to understand and manipulate blockchain data streams across different mediums and infrastructures. That’s why we are so excited to participate at ETHDenver again and to connect with all of its participants, both in the crypto sphere, and outside of it. There is so much that PARSIQ’s solutions can do to help drive companies forward.

For those unfamiliar, PARSIQ is an automation platform which serves as “the glue” between blockchain applications and real-world applications. It does this by facilitating the creation of workflows and notifications between common blockchains and off-chain systems.

Similar to automation tools like Zapier, PARSIQ allows users to initiate various workflows or notifications if and when a certain event takes place. Currently, this logic can be defined for the following blockchains:

  • Bitcoin
  • Ethereum
  • Binance Smart Chain (BSC)
  • Dash
  • Algorand
  • Huobi Eco Chain
  • Celo
  • Solana
  • Polkadot

PARSIQ’s platform standardizes all chains for users into one easily consumable system — which means that regardless of the blockchain, only one platform is needed to manage all of the workflow and notifications required by the user.

Before diving into the terminology, we encourage you to watch last year’s introduction to PARSIQ by Anatoly Ressin, PARSIQ’s Chief Blockchain Architect. You will learn how PARSIQ solves interoperability challenges, moving towards becoming a hub for blockchain data:

PARSIQ’s Terminology

Portal — workflow editor, the platform itself. Here you can build simple workflows in seconds or program sophisticated logic, with extra conditions and formatting, using ParsiQL language.

Smart Trigger — our equivalent of Zapier’s “Zap.” It’s defined as monitoring a specific on-chain event and triggering a downstream action when it occurs. A smart trigger is effectively a smart contract that is deployed into the PARSIQ ecosystem. It allows triggers from external chains to be passed to off-chain systems.

Trigger Wizard — the no-code editor, an embedded app on the Portal, that helps you build Smart Triggers in minutes. In the Wizard, you can enter a blockchain address that you want to monitor, add custom parameters such as risk score, and then select the delivery channel to be notified through. Essentially, Wizard creates the ParsiQL code for you.

ParsiQL — Domain-specific programming language that powers all Smart Triggers, including those built with the Trigger Wizard. For deeper customization, developers can further customize and edit ParsiQL code to fit their specific needs. Has endless possibilities as most coding languages.

The power of blockchain monitoring for App and dApp development

With PARSIQ, users gain access to a number of useful product features, like:

  • Tracking digital assets in real-time
  • Being notified about numerous events around the blockchain network
  • Gathering and processing on-chain data
  • Combining on-chain data with off-chain datasets (i.e., Risk Data, Market Data, etc.)

PARSIQ will ​automate workflows​ that you currently handle manually and aggregate data that you look up from different sources. You can create your own blockchain monitoring and automation solutions by using our domain-specific programming language ​ParsiQL​. It’s robust and powerful, yet intuitive and easy to use.

ParsiQL serves the main purpose of manipulating streams — the core concept behind ParsiQL. Please check out our GitBook to learn more on ParsiQL.

Hackathon Submission: The First CryptoPunks Automated Tracker

PARSIQ is gaining experience on powering developers for building applications for a variety of use cases. Last year, we received a hackathon submission which was the first automated NFT tracker built specifically for CryptoPunks monitoring.

With creative thinking and application of those thoughts using PARSIQ’s platform, an easy to use solution now exists where CryptoPunks activity can be easily followed and tracked on the blockchain, in real-time — all without any active engagement from interested parties!

Automated tracking may be starting with CryptoPunks, but it certainly does not end here. Much more is expected to come in the months and years to come. Here at PARSIQ, we are already getting a head start! Have a look at our recent OpenSea integration, which makes it possible to track any NFT on their platform with just as much ease as tracking CryptoPunks. As the importance of NFTs continues to develop, so too will the relevance and sophistication of PARSIQ’s technology. The future is now! 🔥

Looking forward

To help you build with PARSIQ, please also check out these resources:

We look forward to seeing you at #ETHDenver! Our team is ready to answer any questions you may have. Applications are still open so get your ticket for the event if you haven’t already!

🤘 Before the conference, you can stop by our Telegram channel or our Discord channel to chat with the team.

