Claim Your Rewards from the 1 million $PRQ Incentive Program

Published in
3 min readJan 31, 2022

Wen airdrop?

…Ah, the perennial question.

But now, the wait is over! Congratulations.

By using this link, you will be taken to a claim portal on IQ Protocol. With it, beginning February 1st (exact time, TBA), you will be able to receive your first, 25% allocation of the rewards you’ve earned for staking your $PRQ tokens in IQ Protocol prior to the start of 2022. The subsequent three allocations (each also being 25% of your reward) will be made available on this page on the first day of each of the three following months.

Again, the link to the claim portal can be found here:

Claiming your tokens is simple! Just connect your BSC wallet to IQ Protocol. The process is the same as you’ll be familiar with from staking on IQ Protocol. Once you have connected an eligible wallet, there will be a claim button. And you know what to do next… claim your tokens!

But wait…

Who gets these $PRQ rewards? What is this all about?

Last year, PARSIQ became the first customer of IQ Protocol. In fact, the team here at PARSIQ created IQ Protocol out of a specific need. In short, we saw a need to create a circular economy for ourselves, better aligning the interests of our token holders, our platform users, and the company itself. IQ Protocol was the solution, providing the world’s first decentralized SaaS model. For more information about IQ Protocol, have a look at the IQ Protocol blog.

One of the key features of IQ Protocol is that it provides a non-inflationary staking solution for tokenized companies. PARSIQ has taken full advantage of that function. Indeed, PARSIQ and PRQ holders have been absolutely instrumental in the success of IQ Protocol and it’s upcoming launch of its governance token, $IQT.

As a way of both incentivizing PRQ holders to stake their tokens on IQ Protocol, as well as showing support to our community, we launched a 1 million $PRQ incentive program. A portion of these 1 million $PRQ tokens is being rewarded to everyone who staked their tokens during Q4 of 2021. Basically, it worked like this: the more tokens you staked, and the more time you had them staked, the higher your reward would be.

This incentive has now concluded. There are, however, other incentives currently available on IQ Protocol! These incentives are: the 2x yield boost on $PRQ staking incentive and the free $IQT incentives

Once again, congratulations! We cannot thank you enough for your support of PARSIQ and IQ Protocol. We look forward to everything to come.


PARSIQ is a blockchain monitoring and workflow automation platform connecting on-chain and off-chain applications in real-time, providing transaction notifications for end-users. With PARSIQ you can connect blockchain activity to off-chain apps and devices, monitor and secure DeFi applications, and build custom event triggers and power real-time automations.

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About IQ Protocol

IQ Protocol is a decentralized money market for digital asset renting and on-chain subscriptions. The next money lego that allows users to rent wrapped expirable versions of digital assets without collateral for their utility, while allowing holders to earn by providing liquidity without risk.

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