Data Lakes Explained

Types of Data Lakes & Who Can Use Them

4 min readNov 26, 2022


This series of posts is designed to introduce you to one of PARSIQ’s flagship products: Data Lakes. In the previous posts we’ve covered a lot of ground (or, should we say water). In the first, we described exactly what Data Lakes are. What truly sets them apart as a data source is the amount of customization they facilitate!

Our Data Lakes truly are unique in the world of Web3. But that doesn’t mean they have no potential competition. That is why, in the next post, we compared Data Lakes to their closest competitor, Subgraphs from The Graph. There are all important differences to consider when comparing Data Lakes with other similar solutions. But, as we explain, when it comes to speed, efficiency, reliability, and customizability, Data Lakes offer a level of service that can’t be beat.

In this post, we’re going to answer a couple more important questions about Data Lakes. First we’ll explain who can use Data Lakes, and then we’ll describe the possible types of Data Lakes that can be created (hint: any dApp or protocol could have one!).

So, what are we waiting for? Let’s jump in the Lake!

Who can use Data Lakes?

The simple answer to this question is: anyone can!

However, there are a few details worth noting. In their creation, Data Lakes can be made either public or private. Private Data Lakes are those lakes created specifically for a developer (or project), allowing them ease of access to the data they need for their projects. Public Data Lakes, in contrast, are lakes of protocol-specific data that are open for use by any PARSIQ customer.

There are benefits to both public and private Data Lakes. The obvious benefit of public Data Lakes is that they are open and available to all users, publicly — with this type of data easily on hand, much of the legwork has already been done for your team. By comparison, private Data Lakes will have a much higher degree of customization. This will allow your team to easily bypass all of the unwanted noise created by data you’re not interested in.

In either case, we’ve made it easy for you to get down to what it is you love to do: BUIDLING!

What Kinds of Data Lakes are Possible?

This is the exciting part! All kinds of Data Lakes are possible — you name it, and we can build it! We customize the buidl for each client, a service we are proud to offer.

In theory, a public Data Lakes could be made from every dApp and protocol there is. If there’s data being used, a Data Lake can be created. A clear example of this is the NFT Data Lake, which is currently live.

The NFT Data Lake is designed to cater for any manner of on-chain data requirements around NFTs. In short, it’s an all in one NFT resource, containing all the data about NFTs: including transfers, collections, addresses, and metadata.

However this is just the tip of the iceberg, we have plans to enable the NFT Data Lake to track any imaginable piece of data associated with NFTs, such as metadata, visual data and even historical market data. We aim to make this an essential tool, allowing anyone to create their own NFT marketplace or dApp more easily than ever before!

If you’re curious to know more about it, visit our NFT Data Lake docs.

Another example are Data Lakes dedicated to specific fungible tokens. These lakes gather all the data related to tokens, providing a gamut of information — from the current owners, transactions histories, price history, and so on.

And when it comes to private Data Lakes, it all just depends on what you’re looking for. This is because it comes down to the level of customization being sought. A protocol could, for example, come to us, asking for a Data Lake that collects data associated with specific types of events.

For instance, say you need (a) all of the addresses that interacted with a contract, (b) how much $ETH they sent in $USD and $JPY, and see all of the data associated with those addresses on your platform. Manually collecting all of this would be a headache, to say the least.

With our Data Lakes, it’s possible to have all of this (or any other type of customization) set up from the get go. We’re ready to work directly with your team to ensure we meet your specific business & logic requirements.

As you can see, Data Lakes have a huge amount of functionality to help improve the workflow of your team and the ease of your development process. Not only are they fast and simple to use, but they provide something not available anywhere else on the market: full customization of your data! And, what we’ve just learned in this post is that anyone can use them!

So… Now that we’ve taken a nice dip into Data Lakes, why not crack a beer, enjoy the view, and stay a while? 😎

If you’ve got more questions about Data Lakes, and how your project can benefit from them, or if you’re ready to start using them…

Contact our team by visiting:

Or, feel free to check out our docs here:


PARSIQ is a full-suite data network for building the backend of all Web3 dApps & protocols. The Tsunami API provides blockchain protocols and their clients (e.g. protocol-oriented dApps) with real-time data and historical data querying abilities.

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