Enhance Your Crypto Transaction Tracking with PARSIQ’s Tsunami API, Data Lakes, and SDK

In the fast-paced world of cryptocurrencies, keeping a close eye on your transactions is paramount. Whether you’re a crypto enthusiast, trader, or a business involved in the blockchain space, the ability to track crypto transactions with precision is essential.

3 min readOct 31, 2023


PARSIQ, a leader in Web3 data indexing, offers cutting-edge solutions to enhance your crypto transaction tracking experience through its Tsunami API, Data Lakes, and SDK.

The Importance of Crypto Transaction Tracking

Crypto transactions occur at lightning speed across various blockchain networks. Accurate and timely tracking of these transactions is critical for several reasons:


Tracking your crypto transactions helps ensure the security of your digital assets. By monitoring incoming and outgoing transactions, you can promptly detect any unauthorized or suspicious activity.


For businesses and financial institutions, compliance with regulatory requirements is non-negotiable. Effective crypto transaction tracking ensures transparency and helps meet these compliance standards by maintaining a transparent record of all financial activities.

Investment Insights

Crypto traders and investors rely on transaction tracking to analyze market trends, evaluate the performance of their portfolios, and make informed trading decisions.

Audit Trail

Maintaining a comprehensive transaction history serves as an audit trail, providing a detailed record of your financial activities for reference and verification purposes.

PARSIQ: Revolutionizing Crypto Transaction Tracking

PARSIQ leverages blockchain technology to offer state-of-the-art solutions for crypto transaction tracking and indexing. Here’s how PARSIQ enhances your crypto tracking experience:

Tsunami API: Real-Time Transaction Data

PARSIQ’s Tsunami API provides real-time access to blockchain transaction data. Monitor and track crypto transactions across multiple blockchain networks, including Ethereum, Binance Smart Chain (BSC), Polygon, and more. Receive instant notifications and stay up-to-date with your transaction activity.

Data Lakes: Custom Web3 APIs

PARSIQ’s Data Lakes empower you to create custom Web3 APIs tailored to your specific needs. Design APIs that extract the precise data you require, whether it’s transaction history, token transfers, smart contract events, or blockchain metrics. Integrate your business logic seamlessly into Data Lakes for customized data access.

SDK for Developers

Developers can leverage PARSIQ’s SDK (Software Development Kit) to build their own Web3 APIs and innovative blockchain solutions. The SDK streamlines API development, allowing developers to create customized data workflows that align with their project requirements. Gain enhanced control over your Web3 APIs and data access.

In the world of cryptocurrencies, where every second counts, having a reliable partner for crypto transaction tracking is invaluable. PARSIQ empowers you with real-time tracking, customizable data access through Data Lakes, and the tools to build your own Web3 APIs with the SDK. Stay secure, compliant, and informed — revolutionize your crypto transaction tracking with PARSIQ.


PARSIQ is a full-suite data network for building the backend of all Web3 dApps & protocols. The Tsunami API provides blockchain protocols and their clients (e.g. protocol-oriented dApps) with real-time and historical data querying abilities. ‘Data Lake’ APIs allow complex data querying & filtering for any project; specifically designed and tailored for our customers blockchain data needs. Supported chains: Ethereum, Polygon, BNB Chain, Avalanche, Arbitrum, Metis.

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