How to Automate Email Marketing if Your Customers Pay in Crypto?

With PARSIQ, the sky is the limit on what businesses can do as it relates to these types of interactions.

4 min readAug 27, 2021


Originally appeared on Alltopstartups

One might think that after more than a decade of unlimited email storage from platforms such as Gmail, the effectiveness of email marketing, or automated email marketing, may have lost its luster. After all, when someone can literally be receiving (and storing) thousands of automated and marketing emails per day, what is the chance that they specifically open one that is targeted to them specifically by your business?

Turns out, that chance is quite high — especially if the marketing campaign triggers are setup in a way that really targets the customer effectively. The Return on Investment (ROI) of email marketing campaigns can be quite impressive — with at least one study suggesting that the business can expect a $42 USD return for every $1 USD spent on a campaign. With numbers like those, it’s no wonder that this area of audience targeting continues to thrive and exist in today’s world!

But the world is changing — not necessarily in ways that are negatively impacting the effectiveness of email marketing campaigns, but in the way that your customers are interacting with your business in the digital world. And by this extension, how those interactions then are leading to additional ways that need to be considered when continuing to strengthen the relationship between your brand and your targeted audience.

The Rise of Crypto

2021 has brought about an interest in cryptocurrencies not seen since the mania towards the end of 2017. However, in the four years since the last crypto bull run, the underlying blockchain technologies and crypto networks have matured and improved greatly. Not only that, new use cases for the blockchain have been born, from global enterprises leveraging their capabilities for supply chain oriented solutions to the recent public frenzy brought about by the rising popularity of Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs), and Decentralized Finance (DeFi). At the most recent Bitcoin conference in Miami, the event had the largest turnout in its history, with over 12,000 tickets sold, and likely thousands more local and regional supporters participating in the surrounding areas.

With this, as well as the recent declaration that El Salvador will become the first country to establish Bitcoin as legal tender, cryptocurrency usage is not only likely to stay, but rise relatively quickly in the months and years to come.

Therefore, more than ever, businesses should consider not only planning for accepting and transacting in cryptocurrencies but also looking at how these types of transactions drive other internal processes that a company may have.

Email Marketing Automation & Crypto Payments

One of these processes is around the topic of email marketing automation and crypto payments made by your customers. After all, in a pre-2021 (or pre-covid) world, only a small number (relative to the entire world) of businesses were accepting crypto denominated payments. As we charge forward in what looks to be the roaring 20s for crypto, businesses should consider more and more that their customers may be wanting to (or demanding to) pay in cryptocurrencies. For those businesses who still have doubt, an additional study has indicated that merchants who accept Bitcoin are finding success in attracting new customers and sales.

So How to Tie Automation with Crypto Payments?

PARSIQ has the answer, and best of all, it’s free to use. With PARSIQ, businesses can upload their databases of client information to a Google Sheet, connect their Mailchimp account to the sheet, and start leveraging automation capabilities immediately.

Within PARSIQ, businesses can create a project campaign, which then references the uploaded data. Within this campaign, users can then set up smart triggers, which are then referenced by the software solution to execute based on the triggers identified.

In particular, businesses may want to configure a smart trigger to send emails to their crypto paying customers thanking them for their payment immediately after it has gone through. Businesses can leverage this transactional activity to demonstrate to their customer how savvy their payment processes are — by acknowledging that the crypto payment has been received, and also even pitching some additional offers and/or upsell opportunities. With such rapid response times and continued outreach, your customer will continue to remain engaged in your business and what you are offering.

For more details regarding how specifically to set up email automation with crypto payments, please refer to the detailed step by step guide, found here.

What About Other Email Marketing Interactions?

With PARSIQ, the sky is the limit on what businesses can do as it relates to these types of interactions. Businesses can set up other automated email campaigns based on other customer triggers and conditions that the business may be interested in. With the activation of those triggers, again, PARSIQ can provide easy and timely outreach to the customer to continue to engage and further develop a more personal relationship with the targeted individual. There are no limitations here, just what a Company’s business processes allow!

The Future of Crypto Payments

Cryptocurrency interest is on the rise. Total market capitalization of the cryptocurrency markets reached all-time highs earlier in 2021, and while they have fallen since then, total inflows into the markets continue to be relatively strong. Additionally, venture capital investment in blockchain startups are growing rapidly, with over $2.6b USD funded in Q1 2021 alone. Coupled with El Salvador’s adoption of Bitcoin as legal tender, and other countries like Mexico and Paraguay also considering the same, businesses would be best served by seriously considering (or re-considering) their crypto strategy.

Are you and your business ready for this exciting world of Web 3.0?

