Introducing a New and Easy-to-Understand Pricing Model for PARSIQ APIs: Paying by Computational Units (CU)

Published in
6 min readJun 27, 2023

At PARSIQ, we believe in providing transparent and straightforward pricing for our API products. To make it even easier for you to understand and predict the costs associated with using our APIs, we are excited to announce our new pricing model based on Computational Units (CU).

What are Computational Units (CU)?

Computational Units (CU) are a standardized way of measuring the cost of using our API services. Think of CUs as tokens that represent the resources consumed by your API requests. This new pricing model allows you to estimate and manage your expenses more accurately.

How is the CU Cost Calculated?

Calculating the CU cost of a request is simple. It involves three main factors: the base fee, input complexity, and blockchain complexity.

Base Fee:

  1. The base fee is a fixed cost associated with each API endpoint. It covers the basic operations involved in handling your request, such as extracting, processing, storing, activating, and delivering the data. For simplicity, we consider each of these operations as consuming 1 CU.

Input Complexity (IC):

2. The input complexity reflects the dynamic aspects of your request and is influenced by factors such as topics, range, and asset types.

  • Topics: The number of topics you include in your request affects the IC cost. Adding a topic incurs a specific cost (CUtopic_introduction), and each additional topic value increases the cost (CUtopic_value).
  • Range: If you specify a range in your request, it contributes to the IC cost. For example, a range of 1 block incurs a cost of 1 CU, while a range within [1, 1,000,000] incurs a cost of 4 CUs. If the range exceeds 1,000,000, the cost is 8 CUs.
  • Asset Type: Certain endpoints require additional resources when dealing with different asset types. Introducing a new asset type incurs a cost of CUasset_type, in addition to the base fee.

Blockchain Complexity (BC):

3. The blockchain complexity represents the specific characteristics and demands of the blockchain you are querying. Each supported blockchain has its own complexity value, typically set to 1.0.

Estimating Your CU Requirements:

To help you estimate the number of CUs needed for your requests, we have introduced the “estimate_cu” parameter in our endpoints. By including “&estimate_cu=true” in your request, you can obtain the CU value in the response headers without incurring any actual CU charges. This allows you to estimate your CU requirements before making any financial commitments.

Real-Time Streaming and CU:

For users utilizing our real-time streaming feature, there are additional computational costs associated with the delivery of records. Each delivered record (event or call) incurs a cost of 4 CUs. This cost covers the resources required to process, filter, and deliver each record in real-time. It’s important to consider the number of record deliveries when estimating the computational cost of using real-time filters.

New Subscription Plans:

With the introduction of CU-based pricing, we have revamped our subscription plans to provide options for all users:

  1. Free Plan:
  • Computational Units per Month: 30,000 CUs
  • Computational Units per Second: 100 CUs/s
  • Limit of Results in Response: 10 rows
  • All Blockchains Supported
  • Fundamental Data Endpoints, Blocks Endpoints, Transactions Endpoints, Transfers Endpoints, Contracts, NFT API, Balances API, and more.

2. Pro Plan:

  • Computational Units per Month: 12,000,000 CUs
  • Computational Units per Second: 1200 CUs/s
  • Limit of Results in Response: 1000 rows
  • All Blockchains Supported
  • Real-Time Streaming (1 RT Filter), Real-Time Streaming X ABI Decoder, Decoded Data X ABI Decoder, and more.
  • 48 hours response time for support.

3. Enterprise Plan:

  • Customized plan tailored to your specific needs.
  • Computational Units, features, and support level are customizable.
  • Contact our team to discuss your requirements and receive a personalized solution.

Visit our website to explore the details of each subscription plan and choose the one that best fits your needs.

We believe that by switching to CU-based pricing, we are providing a more transparent and user-friendly pricing model. It allows you to estimate costs accurately and make informed decisions about utilizing our API products.

If you have any questions or need further assistance, our team is ready to help. Start your journey with PARSIQ today and experience the power of our advanced blockchain data solutions.

For inquiries regarding custom plans or integration options, feel free to contact us.

Please note that the pricing information provided in this announcement is subject to change. For the most up-to-date pricing details, please refer to our website.

We look forward to serving you with our enhanced pricing model and helping you #BUIDL the next Web3 Unicorn with PARSIQ!



Q1: Will the new pricing model affect my current subscription plan?

A1: No, existing customers will continue to enjoy all of the benefits of their existing subscriptions plans and will not be changed to our new pricing model. All new clients, will be using the new CU Pricing Model.

Q2: What are Computational Units (CU)?

A2: Computational Units (CU) are a standardized measurement of the resources consumed by your API requests. They represent the cost associated with processing, delivering, and handling your requests.

Q3: How is the CU cost calculated?

A3: The CU cost is determined based on three factors: the base fee, input complexity (IC), and blockchain complexity (BC). The formula for calculating the total CU is (Base Fee + IC) / BC. The base fee represents the fixed cost for each endpoint, while IC considers factors such as topics, range, and asset types. BC represents the complexity of the blockchain being queried.

Q4: How can I estimate the number of CUs needed for my requests?

A4: To estimate your CU requirements, you can use the “estimate_cu” parameter in our endpoints. By including “&estimate_cu=true” in your request, you will receive the CU value in the response headers without any actual CU charges. This allows you to assess the CU cost before making any financial commitments.

Q5: What is the cost associated with real-time streaming using the new pricing model?

A5: Real-time streaming incurs additional computational costs. Each delivered record (event or call) carries a cost of 4 CUs. This cost accounts for the resources required to process, filter, and deliver each record in real-time.

Q6: What happens if I exceed the Computational Units allocated in my subscription plan?

A6: If you exceed the allocated number of CUs in your subscription plan, additional CUs will be charged according to our pricing structure. You can check our website or contact our team for the details of additional CU pricing.

Q7: Are there different pricing tiers available for the new CU-based pricing model?

A7: Yes, we offer different subscription plans to cater to various needs. Our plans include Free, Pro, and Enterprise, each with different CU allocations, features, and support levels. You can find more information about the pricing tiers on our website.

Q8: Can I customize a subscription plan to meet my specific requirements?

A8: Absolutely! We provide custom plans for enterprise customers. If our existing subscription plans don’t fully meet your needs, you can contact our team to discuss your requirements and receive a personalized solution.

Q9: Will the new pricing model affect my current API integration?

A9: The new pricing model based on CUs does not impact the integration process. It primarily changes the way the cost is calculated and provides more transparency in pricing. Your existing API integration will continue to function as before.

Q10: Where can I find the most up-to-date pricing details?

A10: For the most up-to-date pricing details, please visit our website. Pricing information may be subject to change, so it’s always best to refer to our website or contact our team for the latest information.

Q11: Can I get support or assistance regarding the new pricing model?

A11: Absolutely! Our team is available to assist you with any questions or concerns you may have regarding the new pricing model. You can reach out to us through our contact page or via the support channels provided with your subscription.

Q12: What payment options are available for the new CU-based pricing model?

A12: To provide flexibility to our users, we offer two payment options for the new pricing model. You can pay for your subscription either using crypto stable coins or through Stripe, a popular and secure payment gateway.

