Introducing PARSIQ’s New CEO Rong Kai Wong

Read His Letter: Mission to Scale

3 min readJun 28, 2023


Dear PARSIQ Community, partners and stakeholders:

I have been with PARSIQ for more than two years now. The journey has been amazing. After I left Binance, I had four job offers but I chose PARSIQ then. I would have still chosen PARSIQ if asked to make the choice now. And the reasons are simple.

We have a tremendous team, and people from across the world bringing their skills and their best to a company located almost entirely online, and often half a continent or further away. I always go back to our vision and mission statements — “PARSIQ aims to become the go-to enabler of the widespread adoption of blockchain technologies.” “PARSIQ is building foundational infrastructure to make blockchain data searchable, usable, and valuable.” What we are building is era defining, and it keeps me waking up in the morning with purpose, and assured with the knowledge that we have an excellent team to see it through.

As someone who has been in command of thousands of officers in the Police Force before, leadership is not something to be handled trivially. It is a responsibility, it is an honour, and it is heavy. The lives of everyone under my command, and everyone my actions touched upon, weighed on my shoulders then as a uniformed officer, as it does now. The community believes in PARSIQ, and that is what keeps me up at night — to make good your trust and belief in us.

The key leadership in PARSIQ will essentially not be different from what it always has. I have been essentially executing various responsibilities similar to a CEO for a while now, as the business expands and the needs on the senior management team increase. I drive the business wide vision, bring the teams together, work out expansion paths and coordinate the commercial strategy. Tom and the other co-founders have always been active at the strategic level discussions, and they will continue to perform their duties at the same level.

Being entrusted with the role of CEO is the highest honour I can get from PARSIQ, and I intend to make good the duty expected from me. It is also the cumulation of a series of decisions to best employ the talents of the company in the right places — Tom’s skill sets and mine are complementary, and my job and expertise is to scale the company to the next 100X. At our level, you cannot expect anything but the best from us, and we commit to delivering only the best to you.

It is a privilege to be with you guys through this journey, and we will become the go-to blockchain tech enabler. The journey is tough yet exciting. When we reach the top, the journey is all the sweeter because of who we climb the peak with.

Rong Kai at your service.

