PARSIQ Chosen as the Top Five Finalist from Europe for Celo Camp

We are happy to announce that for Celo Camp’s pre-camp, our team has successfully integrated configurations to ParsiQL to support the manipulation of data streams from the Celo platform.

3 min readMay 21, 2020


Celo is an open-source payments network backed by notable venture funds, chief executives, academics and experts around the world such as Coinbase, Jack Dorsey and a16z.

Celo Developer Bootcamp

Celo has announced the 18 finalists, including PARSIQ, who qualified the CeloCamp blockchain accelerator program. The camp will provide PARSIQ with mentorship from companies such as Paypal, Winklevoss Capital, a16z, and Polychain Capital, with the program running from April 20 until June 15 of 2020.

The CeloCamp received applications from 251 teams spanning more than 60 countries worldwide. To narrow down the applications to 74, the teams were assessed according to five criteria: project idea, technical strength, project alignment with Celo’s mission, traction, and commitment.

From 74 teams, the 18 finalists, including PARSIQ, were chosen through a voting system where 50% of votes came from the Celo community and CeloCamp — with each mentor commanding five times the votes of an individual community member, and 50% of votes coming from a committee comprising CeloCamp and CLabs representative.

As part of the program, PARSIQ will implement the initial monitoring of the Celo blockchain. And after the camp, the following will be implemented:

  1. Adding a new Celo Blockchain adapter and then deciding on the monitoring mechanism. We will either “pluginize” it (if following support exists) or fork and alter the source code to meet the needs or build an external monitoring sub-system to communicate with the untouched node.
  2. Adding a new UserData primitive type for Celo address, so that it could be later used in UserData and accessed in ParsiQL.
  3. Support Celo Gold currency (both native & token) formatting option for Communication Channels that require it (for example Telegram-based ones).
  4. Add a new Predefined Template for Celo Transfers, which is a template to make 1-click Smart Triggers (monitoring unit) creation possible.
  5. Add support for Celo in our Quick Monitoring Wizard.

By logging into the PARSIQ Monitoring subsystem, the user can define conditions of interest to trigger actionable events on the Celo blockchain. Moreover, the user would be able to determine exactly how the data will be transformed, aggregated, enriched, and delivered when these conditions occur. In addition to monitoring the blockchain, PARSIQ also provides integrations with various third-party data providers.

Users can enrich the blockchain data with off-chain data like risk categories, price information and market data. The range of possibilities for the delivery of data extends from simple notifications by Telegram, SMS, and email to apps and web services like Google Spreadsheets, ElasticSearch, Salesforce, Slack and also automated Web-hooks (REST), Realtime WebSockets and even AMQP for corporate users.

ParsiQL functionality

Our domain-specific programming language, ParsiQL, allows manipulating live blockchain data streams to describe what and how to monitor and what to do with that real-time data. Our functionality will not only include monitoring of asset transfers (CeloUSD, CeloGold, or any asset issued on the Celo platform), but users will also be able to configure monitoring of events which are native only for the Celo blockchain.

For example, monitoring events such as gateway fees or monitoring and notifying of expirations, such as when Celo transfers were done to a phone number that has not been tied to a blockchain account yet and much more.

In the future, PARSIQ will open-source the relevant parts related to the ParsiQL language as well as open-source some parts of the platform to allow developers to easily build third-party integrations for data providers, apps and web services.

What’s next?

After successful implementation of the system, any blockchain users, individuals, or businesses, can build their own Smart Triggers for real-time workflow automation related to events happening on the Celo blockchain. To demonstrate the system, we invite everyone to try our Quick Monitoring Wizard here.

Simply register with an email and use our templates to automate your blockchain workflow. The product will work in a similar way for the Celo blockchain, with the addition of specific blockchain events native only for Celo.

Please support PARSIQ by voting (May 25–27) via this link. We appreciate your help!

