PARSIQ Goes to Permissionless

Published in
7 min readMay 29, 2022

Greetings PRQties! 🖖🚀

PARSIQ was at it again — traveling the world to spread the word about our exciting new products.

Having already been to conferences and events in Los Angeles, Dubai, Amsterdam, London, Barcelona, and Denver in 2022, this time we found ourselves in Palm Beach, Florida, attending Permissionless!

As we recently shared with our community, the official testing phase of our new flagship product — the Tsunami API — has been initiated and is performing impressively well!

So it was exciting to have a chance to meet with even more projects and potential partners and clients to share with them our vision for how PARSIQ is redefining Web3 backend systems.

Permissionless was attended by David Siddock (Business Development Officer) and Emilijus Pranckus (Business Development Officer). Both David and Emilijus were kind enough to sit down with us and share their perspective on the event.

Let’s hear what they had to say!

PARSIQ: Hey guys! Thanks so much for taking a moment to share with us today. It’s always great to hear your insights on all the events you’ve been attending.

I’m curious, how was your time at Permissionless. What was your overall impression? (And Florida looks great this time of year!)

Emilijus: Yes, thanks! It is great to be a part of the PARSIQ team and have a chance to come to events like Permissionless. Not only was it my first Permissionless event, but it was my first time in Florida. What a beautiful state! Great weather, beaches, palms and nice people everywhere. Overall: I loved the vibe!

The event itself went really well. Lots of high profile speakers, plenty of booths, and the venue large enough to comfortably accommodate all participants; plus the whole thing was really well organized — what more could you ask for?

Myself and David had a great time flying the PARSIQ and IQ flags in West Palm Beach.

David: Haha! Yes, we definitely did. This wasn’t my first time in the Miami area, but I was excited to return. Palm Beach is one of the richest areas in all of Florida in terms of food, real estate, and culture. You didn’t have to go far to get a feel for the amazing sunshine and laid back attitude from the locals.

Emilijus and I were positioned quite close to the event, so we were able to spend a lot of time there. We had great experiences with many teams at the event and the socials after the convention wound down for the evenings.

We had the chance to visit the beautiful beach for a photo op wearing our PARSIQ attire.

You can see Emilijus and I waiting for the Tsunami — lol!

PARSIQ: That’s great! Yes, we’re all excited about the coming Tsunami API :) Since you brought that topic up, let’s skip to a question about that first.

Did you speak with any projects that were excited about working with PARSIQ? Or, who had not heard of us before?

Emiljus: I was positively surprised and very pleased to see that people are really coming to know us for what we do — more so than in previous events I attended. I think it’s down to the fact that this market is pushing tourists out and those left are folks who have been in the space for a while.

A big chunk of them know about PARSIQ. Our reputation in the industry is great. And yes, people are really excited to learn more about Tsunami API and to see it live in action!

David: Oh yes. I totally agree with Emilijus — it was awesome to feel some recognition by the other projects that were there. We spoke to several projects that were very interested in our API and Alpha testing it.

It may be no secret, but I think it’s worth stating… A lot of projects have bones to pick with the existing data providers. So they are happy to hear that there are alternatives that can not only get them data quickly, but can address all their data needs from one source!

People know PARSIQ more and more. I’m seeing the same teams and people from different events and we’re edging into focus with each event we arrive at. It won’t be long till we reach the moon!

PARSIQ: That’s excellent to hear. I’m sure our community will be excited by that as well.

David: Yea, I think so. Our platform really is striving to set a new standard for how data is provided for all Web3 dApps and protocols. It’s great to see it all coming together!

PARSIQ: How about other aspects of the conference? Was there anything particularly inspiring you saw? Or were there any presentations that were particularly notable?

Emilijus: I was amazed by how enthusiastic, optimistic and devoted the crypto community still is, despite the absolutely brutal market conditions we’ve recently faced. Going into the event, I expected low attendance purely because of the bearish trend we’re in. And boy was I wrong! There were huge lines already forming on day one! To me, there’s no better proof that crypto is NOT going anywhere. We’re here to stay!

David: That is a great point, Emilijus. Even though the market was red and it seemed like a terrible time to be at a blockchain conference. None of that stopped the builders from building and the teams from working. Web3 is unstoppable and price volatility doesn’t matter to those of us who are here for real, working in the space.

As far as presentations go, I thought Nansen had a great talk. The CEO on the stage gave a history about the explorer Fridtjof Nansen and how they based their entire project around his fundamentals.

Also, I thought it was very cool that there’s a huge buzz around NFT Real Estate at the moment. I spoke to many teams involved with Crypto and Real Estate and when I mentioned IQ Protocol, I saw the gears turning about how this could help their cause.

Emilijus: Ah, yes. For me, I also thought the approach to NFTs was exciting. So many different use cases are being discovered. Apart from the common ones (gaming, art), there were projects utilizing or planning to utilize NFT’s for KYC, travel, real estate related purposes. IQ Protocol seems to be perfectly placed to gain great traction from this movement.

I also really liked a DeFi focused panel involving leaders of industry’s key players — Uniswap, Compound, Synthetix and Aave. They shared their thoughts on the current state of DeFi, market itself and what’s next for crypto. I love listening to successful people, learning how they think and look at things.

All of these giants were created in a deep bear market. Their founders have seen both the good and the bad days, and they unanimously agreed that they’d prefer to BUILD in the bear as there’s less distractions, less noise, and it’s easier to focus. You just need to have a strong thesis of what you want to do as an organization.

PARSIQ: It’s very encouraging to hear that the creators of those DeFi platforms have that attitude, and aren’t discouraged about the ups and downs of the market. –Sounds a lot like Tom Tirman’s approach to bear market conditions. As he mentioned in the recent AMA, even though downturns can be brutal, they present very valuable opportunities for projects as well.

Emilijus: Exactly! PARSIQ was born in a bear market. And that has not stopped the project from continually growing and improving — quite the opposite. This bearish stretch is no different. PARSIQ has a strong vision and mission: it knows what it wants to achieve and, most importantly, keeps building. Good things will follow.

Shoutout to our community for hanging around!


Finally, before ending, did you speak to any projects that are interested in IQ? How was it received?

David: Many gaming and NFT projects find it easy to see the value of IQ Protocol. I was asked by a lot to set up meetings to talk to their teams more about it.

We’re still new though. Most have not heard of the IQ Protocol. But, I think this will all change after NFT New York!

Emilijus: Besides conversations with different games, we also spoke with a well known project which was interested in IQ Protocol and how it could power their tokenomics. The reception was good!

People might not know about IQ too much just yet, but I agree with David: things will change soon!


PARSIQ is a full-suite data network for building the backend of all Web3 dApps & protocols. The Tsunami API, which will ship in July 2022, will provide blockchain protocols and their clients (e.g. protocol-oriented dApps) with real-time data and historical data querying abilities.

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