PARSIQ Partners with Plena Finance

Providing Key Infrastructure for Innovative Web3 Applications

3 min readJan 31, 2022


Anyone who is active in DeFi has been there before: maybe there are too many steps to make a transaction worthwhile, maybe you don’t have the correct wallet set up, or maybe you don’t have enough (or any!) of the right token to pay the gas fee. Whatever the case, DeFi trading can feel laborious. It’s too easy for laziness to get in the way of making a great trade! But perhaps this need not be the case.

Today, PARSIQ is happy to announce our partnership with Plena Finance, a mobile-first DeFi application whose aim is to make DeFi user experience easier to manage, and more rewardable to boot!

Plena Finance

Plena Finance is a platform designed to restructure the way users engage with decentralized finance. With a goal of making it accessible to everyone, everywhere, Plena is prioritizing creating a mobile ecosystem for DeFi activity. Knowing that the majority of internet traffic comes from mobile devices, and that blockchain transactions are often more cumbersome on mobile devices, Plena is certainly onto something big! Plena’s plan is to remedy the notable gap in mobile dApps and blockchain/DeFi platform interfaces.

Plena will do so by bringing together the whole range of DeFi possibilities into a single mobile application. This includes things like staking tokens, on-ramping fiat, yield farming, engaging in governance activity, and lending; as well as borrowing digital assets, trading, and utilizing NFT marketplaces. They are designing their platform from the ground up, paying close attention to the problems that need to be addressed, while satisfying the needs of the DeFi community. At the time of Mainnet launch, they will go live on Polygon, with plans to deploy on numerous chains in the future.

PARSIQ + Plena Finance

With PARSIQ supporting its network, it will be easier than ever for Plena to realize its goals. If Plena Finance is set to dramatically improve the user’s DeFi experience, PARSIQ will provide the key infrastructure required for the task. PARSIQ will give Plena access to our real-time monitoring technology, so that their network has immediate access to all kinds of activity on the blockchain. This will allow them to seamlessly notify their users about each and every transaction made. Not only will users get an accurate picture of what is happening, but they can rest assured that they always remain up to date with information relevant to their interests and goals.

By utilizing PARSIQ’s technology, Plena will be able to create a state of the art data aggregation system. In doing so, their platform will be optimally suited to simplify the complex services that they have promised their users. With the support of PARSIQ, Plena will render the world of DeFi more accessible, more manageable, and more profitable for everyone.

Want to learn more about PARSIQ or Plena? Join us on social media!

About Plena

Plena is a unique DeFi ecosystem, a robust infrastructure paired with the most exciting marketplaces, opportunities, and product synergies! Plena is made with love for today’s mobile-first generation.

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PARSIQ is a blockchain monitoring and workflow automation platform connecting on-chain and off-chain applications in real-time, providing transaction notifications for end-users. With PARSIQ you can connect blockchain activity to off-chain apps and devices, monitor and secure DeFi applications, and build custom event triggers and power real-time automations.

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