PARSIQ Partners with Protofire to Supercharge Web3 Development

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3 min readJun 15, 2023


With so many possible solutions and innovations to be made in the world of Web3, it’s exciting to see how the technology can be applied. And no matter the vision of a project, data is always a necessity. We at PARSIQ love being on the ground floor of Web3 development, which is why we’ve made data our specialty!

PARSIQ is excited to announce that we’re joining forces with Protofire!

Together, we’ll be making it simple for Web3 startups to access real-time and historical blockchain data — instantly and reliably.


Protofire specializes in the development of blockchain platforms. They provide developers and platforms a variety of services, ranging from smart contract development, tokenomics design, and security and technical advisory. They also help projects navigate the world of Web3 data, pointing them in the direction of trusted and reliable data resources and offering services such as subgraph development.

The team at Protofire consists of over 80 experienced blockchain engineers, experts, and enthusiasts who have earned their deep understanding of the industry. They have formed tight-knit collaborations with top protocols and core developers, which sets them apart in the industry. For example, they work closely with protocols like Avalanche as one of its eight wardens. Additionally, they have launched a vibrant developer community in collaboration with Filecoin, driving innovation and development for the Filecoin ecosystem.

Whether a project is seeking assistance with issues related to blockchain technologies, protocol adoption, or best practices, Protofire is dedicated to collaborating closely with their clients and providing custom-tailored solutions to meet specific needs.

PARSIQ + Protofire

Offering instant historical and real-time data — as well as custom solutions to particular data needs — PARSIQ is perfectly suited to advance a project like Protofire even further on their mission.

Having helped realize over 100 projects, Protofire has seen an entire spectrum of obstacles standing in the way of Web3 developers. But they’ve also seen creative solutions that overcome those obstacles. PARSIQ is proud to serve as a go-to data resource for Protofire’s clients.

With our Tsunami API and our custom tailored Data Lakes, we provide projects with a full suite of technology, making it easier than ever to get on to the real work they want to accomplish: building!

About Protofire

Protofire is a digital company that builds features to enhance the future of Web3. Thanks to our team of 80+ experts, we are able to assemble any team that a blockchain protocol might require: develop, audit and much much much more.

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PARSIQ is a full-suite data network for building the backend of all Web3 dApps & protocols. The Tsunami API provides blockchain protocols and their clients (e.g. protocol-oriented dApps) with real-time and historical data querying abilities. ‘Data Lake’ APIs allow complex data querying & filtering for any project; specifically designed and tailored for our customers’ blockchain data needs.

Supported chains: Ethereum, Polygon, BNB Chain, Avalanche, Arbitrum, and Metis.

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