Every Friday-ish PARSIQ team answers your most important questions. Join our Telegram chat to ask!

4 min readAug 2, 2021


We’ve got another round of great questions from our community and we hope you enjoy us answering!

1- What ever happened with PARSIQ & Guardtime after it was hinted on the blurred our Partner chart? Can we get a future chart please?

We will publish a new version of the chart by end of this month.

2- When will we get an update regarding Evan Cheng from Diem/Novi?

Evan Cheng is helping us with many technical and product related aspects. He will also play a role in the rollout of the new ParsiQL language. Stay tuned for further updates.

3- how are plans with Shopify going with parsiq?

Working on some interesting use cases behind the scenes. No ETA for the integration yet, but the team is brainstorming ideas all the time.

4- What % of Dev effort is currently going towards developing solutions for Parsiq’s partners and their feature requests vs Parsiq’s own product roadmap like IQ protocol, smart triggers etc.

Most efforts concentrated on the internal roadmap. However, there is a split of focus between IQ and the PARSIQ Platform. Trying to expand the dev team ASAP to be able to move at the pace we want.

5- When will we see SWARM go live?

We had a great variety of applications, and we have spent time sifting carefully through the applicants. The shortlist has been chosen and those applicants should be reached out to today….
Pending on the return of information, August will be a very good month for SWARM’s

6- The total borrowed PRQ hasn’t changed this week? Are we at the end of the client’s funds being moved into IQ?

The devs are bringing the borrowing online right now and have asked us to stop funneling funds into the pool until they are ready to go live.

7- Tom Tirmans estimations of 5–10% APY for IQ, are they still accurate? Given that borrowing has slowed down dramatically this week. Also taking into account that lending is only live on BSC, so if it was on ETH we would see a much larger lending pool bringing APY down further.

We’ve only just started, the borrowing isn’t even live yet and we are bringing in more clients than ever before, so even though the initial numbers were estimates, remember that they are dynamic and client influx is reflected directly in those.

Many of the partners we have announced are in the process of building and not utilizing the technology yet, as more and more go live, you should see some steady increases in borrowing, even with IQ launching on multiple chains.

8- Since the VC Round, what have they helped with specifically? I’d love to hear details on what advice they have given, what actual doors they have opened and what actions they have suggested?

Internal information like this will not be shared in detail. Several connections have been formed on the basis of advice given, as have doors been opened to new clients.

9- Can we see some extra utility from iPRQ? Could we use it for collateral lending?

It’s not out of this world to see this possibility. We are currently looking into different scenarios.

10- Any ETA on when we can expect the hodlium model aspect of the tokenomics to go live? (I.e. hold PRQ to access Parsiq’s services.) And any further details you can give us on how this will work specifically?

It will go live as soon as the swap function on IQ goes live (this month). You will have to swap PRQ to pPRQ to be able to enjoy the hodlium model.

12- In an ideal world, how many devs would Parsiq need to deliver all projects in the pipeline? Please give a scale of what’s to come over the next year or so

That’s hard to speculate on, a rough estimate would that we could employ +100 devs more for our current pipeline and plans. But in the real world, all departments have to scale equally, because if the devs catch up to the sales people, then a new bottleneck forms. As with many things in life, balance is key.

13- How are integrations translating into trigger creation? Are we seeing uptake across all integrations? Have some yielded more than others?

Blockchain integrations have indeed translated into trigger creation. Especially BSC and Solana integrations are the ones that are yielding steady growth of new triggers.

14- Any alpha for you to share with the Qmunity?

Right now it’s all about expansion, we are looking for talents to join the team and handle the growing workload. We are focused on finishing the IQ Protocol to the point that it’s a viable product that we can offer to other projects, finishing documentation etc. for it and giving it legs to stand on.

The devs have also just completed work for another milestone in development regarding integrations, not mentioned in our roadmap, but one we will be letting you all know about shortly.

If you have questions about using PARSIQ you can always ask our team in telegram:

