PARSIQ Smart Trigger Competition Results

Published in
3 min readMar 15, 2022

🖖 Greetings fellow BUIDLers!

PARSIQ had a great time at ETHDenver last month!

As a part of our participation in the conference, and in addition to our hackathons, we hosted a bounty-based Smart Trigger competition. This competition ran until March 10th. And, by now, the winners of the competition have been decided (and contacted about their winning submissions).

First, of all, we want to thank all who participated. We were delighted by all the great submissions! This contest was, no doubt, a success!

We are proud to say that we have given out 26 tier-1 awards (with 4 in an upper echelon for their use of ParsiQL)! And we have also awarded 2 tier-2 awards.

Again, thank you for participating, and congratulations to all the winners!

What kind of work was submitted?

Excellent question!

One example is the creation of triggers that allows its users to monitor NFT activity (in this case, on OpenSea). Specifically, this submission tracks the trades of valuable OG NFTs, such as Hedgie, CryptoAssault, CryptoCommanders, and CryptoMibs. Details to come later!

Another example, which provides live monitoring of the $PRQ staking pool on IQ Protocol, can be viewed live here.

This competition sounds great, but what are Smart Triggers?

PARSIQ introduced Smart Triggers to the world of blockchain, allowing for real-time, on-chain data or events to trigger various, predefined actions both on-chain and off-chain. For this reason, PARSIQ is often thought of as providing a “reverse oracle” solution: its technology allows developers to easily gather data, automate workflows, and create endless ways of allowing blockchain activity to trigger actions on real world applications.

Importantly, Smart Triggers can be fully integrated and automated into one’s workflows, creating a seamless channel in which to work, greatly reducing one’s workload as a whole. Smart Triggers are rooted in ParsiQL, PARSIQ’s simplified coding language.

Because of their ease of use, Smart Triggers are not only flexible in nature and fully customizable, but they are also easy to understand and create. In fact, one does not require a background in coding to program a custom Smart Trigger to suit their needs. Smart-Triggers can be tailored for any user’s needs, from entry level to highly advanced backend systems.

Moreover, with PARSIQ’s ABI decoder, users are able to import their custom contracts onto the PARSIQ platform and define exactly — be they simple or advanced — the kinds of events they want monitored.

Wonderful! How do I make Smart Triggers of my own?

Smart Triggers are surprisingly easy to create.

In fact, in preparation for our ETHDenver competitions, our team put together a helpful demo of how our platform works. The demo is quite helpful in general for getting you started on the road to creating your own Smart Triggers! You can find the PARSIQ demo here.


PARSIQ is a blockchain monitoring and workflow automation platform connecting on-chain and off-chain applications in real-time, providing transaction notifications for end-users. With PARSIQ you can connect blockchain activity to off-chain apps and devices, monitor and secure DeFi applications, and build custom event triggers and power real-time automations.

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