PARSIQ to Attend ETHDenver 2023 as a Meta Sponsor

Tsunami API to support up to 1000 hackathon entries

3 min readFeb 20, 2023


If you thought PARSIQ wasn’t going to have a presence at the largest and longest running ETH event in the world — think again! We are going in full-force as a Meta Sponsor for this industry leading event, to speak directly to our core audience — Devs!

Our team will be present for the entire event. Which will encompass #BUIDLWeek (February 24 to March 1st), the Core Event (March 2 to March 5) and the Mountain Retreat (March 6 to March 9).

Want to meet up with our team at ETHDenver? Get in touch in advance by reaching out to

Let’s take a closer look at what we hope to accomplish while in Denver! 🕵

#BUIDLWeek (Feb 24-Mar 1)

The PARSIQ team will very much be present at the #BUIDLWeek! In fact, we’ll have a five-man team on the ground and will be focusing on what we love the most — helping builders build!

In practice, this means we will be serving the devs on the ground with our latest API and also providing the technical support needed to make the most out of the tech. The goal is to have as many strong projects up and running on Tsunami as possible. If your team will be there, just find us and we will set you up for success, literally! We will be giving out free access to Tsunami API for those attending the conference.

Naturally, it’s not all about competition, but there is also a social component to #BUIDLWeek. PARSIQ has attended many similar events over the last few years and it will be great to meet up with familiar faces and of course, and meet new ones. We love these events where the focus is more on the developers and the underlying technology. That’s where we belong. So, feel free to come over and share a coffee.

What is CTO Daniil Romazanov looking forward to during #BUIDLweek?

Alexey Rehov (Tech Lead of PARSIQ) & I are looking forward to this event, but in a different way from our BD team. For the #BUIDLWeek, we’ve got something up our sleeve! Something we’ve been cooking behind the scenes even before Tsunami API became a thing…our Data Lake SDK v1.0! The SDK allows you to create your own Web3 APIs in a matter of minutes! We’re very excited to finally share it with a wider audience.

Core Event (Mar 2–5)

During the Core Event, our team will largely be meeting with conference goers, attending events, listening to talks, and of course being ready to answer questions at our dedicated PARSIQ booth (photos to follow). We’re really eager to speak with as many teams/projects as possible in an effort to discover their data needs. Once we can better understand their needs, we will be able to provide them with the data solution that fits them best! Although many may already know about Tsunami API, we’ll be sure to further spread the word on our Data Lakes and also the aforementioned SDK! We may even have some special surprises/prizes to win at our booth… a little fun is never a bad thing!

Also happening during the core event, our CTO Danny will be giving a speech on stage on the topic of, “How data changed the World and how blockchain data is different”. He’s busy finishing up now (including the title), so we will be sure to share more information with our community as soon as we have it.

Mountain Retreat (March 6–9)

Alas, after the core event is complete it’s time to kick back, relax and have the chance and get to know other teams and projects on a more personal level at the Mountain Retreat! David Siddock from our BD team will be ready to partake in the festivities and enjoy the slopes with other Web3 teams. Have fun ser!

Finally, be on the lookout for some other announcements coming your way before, during and after ETHDenver. 👀

