PARSIQ was Everywhere in March!

8 days, 4 events, 3 continents, 1 team

10 min readApr 8, 2022


At the end of March, the PARSIQ team traveled far and wide to spread the word about the indispensable products and services we offer to the Web3 world.

Within the span of eight days, we attended four major events on three continents!

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Besides having such a good time at these events — meeting partners, attending talks, hosting dinners, keeping up with all the hottest developments — we also networked with new potential clients and established some great new relationships.

Having now returned from all of these conferences, all of our team members have reported the overwhelming success of these events. In fact, while many of the projects’ teams we met were already familiar with the PARSIQ name, there was a lot of interest being generated about the new suite of products PARSIQ is currently creating! And, seeing that the team at PARSIQ was behind the creation of IQ Protocol, we also introduced IQ Protocol and its highly anticipated launch to many very interested parties. You will definitely be hearing about some new partnerships soon!

As we did with our recap of the ETHDenver event in February, we wanted to offer our community some insight into how the events went and what we were up to while we were there.

So, let’s get started!

Avalanche Summit | Barcelona, Spain

Avalanche Summit was attended by Emilijus Pranckus (Business Development Officer), Francis Foster (Communications Lead), and the one and only Anatoly Ressin (Co-Founder and Chief Blockchain Architect).

Emilijus offered some reflections on the event itself:

When it comes to Avalanche Summit, the event was fantastic — it was so professional and well organized. The event was held in a beautiful place, Poble Espanyol, which is an open-air architectural museum. The atmosphere made the event extra special!

I was positively surprised by the strong and quality-oriented nature of the Avalanche community. There were so many good speeches! However, one I particularly remember was called “Putting the Games Back Into Games” by Andy Boyan, Co-Founder of Infinity Keys. He shared his insights on what makes a game fun to play. Which is a relevant topic in today’s market.

As for PARSIQ, our goal at the Summit was to talk to as many developers and engineers as we could and to understand what their pain points are in terms of blockchain data. Having said that, people were very curious to understand what we’re building. Some of the upcoming features of the new product definitely raised a few eyebrows!

Also, it has become the norm that IQ Protocol is very well perceived no matter where we go! That is something we are particularly proud of. We had a lot of good conversations with both, our existing partners (e.g bitsCrunch or Radom) and new prospects — as will be reflected in our announcement channels soon!

But I guess there is no one who interests our community more than Anatoly! Well, we met him in Barcelona, had a chat about PARSIQ and IQ and I can confidently say that he is hyped about both projects. So, maybe now is a good time to hear what he had to say…

Anatoly Ressin:

Hi, everybody, from Barcelona!

Really interesting things are happening! I am really excited about what we are doing and about how it changes our vision. Under the hood, we have really prepared the historical kernel for accessing all kinds of data.

This all started, absolutely, from the idea that we need to support data for integrity — “let’s keep this data for some period” — and I would say we created a very efficient data structure. What we have created allows us to even scan all the Ethereum from the genesis block up to the current moment.

We can also store not only all of the events, but also we can store all the traces in a very efficient manner. Now we have decided to productize it, to open the new API that allows users to immediately get results from very, very big data sets.

Our team referenced this amount of data as “Data Lakes” — but I would say these are not Data Lakes: these are Data Oceans! Because of this, we have decided to give this thing the name, the Tsunami API.

I really believe that you will be amazed by the speed at which you can extract the historical data! It’s very cool.

NFTLA | Los Angeles, California

NFTLA was a great event for PARSIQ and IQ Protocol. We were represented by Tom Matta (Head of Business Development) and Dave Mcleod (Community Manager).

Tom and Dave were kind enough to answer some questions for us, so let’s have a look…

How was NFTLA? Was this your first time there?

Tom: NFTLA was great! It was my first time at a dedicated NFT conference, which was very different from events more focused on tech and coding. And being in LA brought a lot of interesting people. Everyone had some connection to media, entertainment, fashion, music, the creative side of crypto. We met projects that were a few builders in college building NFTs that let you access Manga on Solana (SAIBA GANG), all the way to multi-billion dollar brand powerhouses like the Warner Brothers / DC Universe (Super Hero NFTs on Palm NFT ). Warner Brothers had an entire hall dedicated to Batman, with a row of Batmobiles from the movies as well as Batsuits and Cowls.

Dave: It was my first time at NFTLA and also my first time in LA. The event was cool, with great panels and a good vibe overall — guys painting a giant mural outside and a ton of projects giving away a lot of cool merch. Surprisingly, the showfloor wasn’t huge. It was nice that it didn’t feel overwhelming, and covering most of those projects was totally doable.

What was the best presentation you attended?

Tom: Super star DJ Steve Aoki was interviewed about his work with NFTs. He said he made more money in one NFT drop than he did in 10 years in the recording industry. That made people pay attention. He is creating a new brand / experience called the AOK1VERSE — an ecosystem bridging the metaverse with the real world. He had a show in LA where you had to have an AOK1VERSE NFT to attend (Collection on OpenSea), current floor price ETH 0.109.

Dave: The Fireside presentation was pretty memorable mainly due to the unexpected appearance of Charlie Sheen chatting about NFTs!

Did you find anything inspiring while you were there?

Tom: I met this awesome young founder named Charlie (i.e., Z◎◎KS). He had a vision for a manga NFT project, and was in the exhibit hall sitting at a table by himself. I went to talk with him and he had tri-fold brochures that looked like they were printed at home. That’s how great things start. A few people decide to do something they think is cool and share it with the world.

Dave: I would say it was great just to see the variety of people from different backgrounds all engaging with the NFT space regardless of their level of experience. Mark Cuban on stage said something like “No one is a real expert in this space yet, we’re all just figuring it out together.” A very welcoming group of people!

What is something you learned or took notice of at the conference?

Tom: NFTs are going to be a huge part of crypto. Lots of people are talking about collections and PFPs, but the next stage is using NFTs for community engagement and creating economies. For example, the producers of the hit HBO Series Entourage, are making a new show with Charlie Sheen and Mark Cuban. Instead of going through the studio system, they are funding the project directly from the community via NFTs. So it gives the creators more control and removes the middlemen taking bites out of their revenue.

It was also great to get to meet and have a conversation with the long-time PARSIQ Supporter EllioTrades!

Dave: Axie came on stage to give a talk just hours after a massive $625m Ronin Network exploit, I’d say this only served to cement the importance of blockchain security. (Good thing PARSIQ is here to make blockchain data easily and quickly accessible!)

I was also impressed by the dramatic uptake in utility NFTs. I was expecting most projects there to be based on cosmetic PFPs, but most were actually focused on providing some kind of utility. Even the primarily cosmetic ones when spoken to, were planning on adding some kind of utility to their collection.

How was PARSIQ and IQ Protocol received?

Tom: The reception of our platforms was really great! We chatted with a project that is building the “Google for NFTs” called QUOTH. They were definitely interested to hear about PARSIQ and the Tsunami API and how we can help provide fast rarity and smart contract data. We also chatted with several P2E games. Some of these games had already been trying to figure out how to provide some sort of NFT renting solution of their own. So, when we told them about what IQ is capable of, they were eager to learn more.

Dave: We spoke to a lot of projects. I would say most I spoke with weren’t actually familiar with IQ Protocol yet, so there’s definitely some new ground to cover. We also found some interesting opportunities including Music/Event ticketing projects who were interested in exploring the use of IQ for multi-day ticket events and opportunities to provide passes for VIP services.

Binance Blockchain Week | Dubai, UAE

Binance Blockchain week was amazing! For our part, Martin Best (Co-Founder) and David Siddock (Business Development Officer) were present for all the activity.

David offers some of his thoughts on the week:

I got to meet with many projects interested in PARSIQ and IQ Protocol.

It was my first time in Dubai, so naturally I wanted to explore. I can tell you that PARSIQ and IQ Protocol were invited to all the exclusive VIP events and dinners. I had so much fun getting to meet with so many projects, like Kleros, Syscoin, 1inch, and DefiYield!

As far as presentations go, the best talk was from CZ! He was really stressing that we are so early to this space: if we just hodl, not trade, then we will be extremely happy we did in the next 5 to 10 years.

Happily, quite a few projects knew about PARSIQ and were excited to learn more. It seems that many were already looking forward to an API — so, when I told them that we were working on our new suite of products, no one hesitated to give me their contact info and asked that I be sure to keep them in the loop as progress is made. We also co-hosted a VIP dinner, which was just phenomenal.

Overall, we made a lot of great connections, for both PARSIQ and IQ Protocol!

ETHDubai | Dubai, UAE

Already being in Dubai for Binance Blockchain Week, both Martin Best and David Siddock attended ETHDubai as well!

David, once again, shares his thoughts:

This was my first time at ETH Dubai. It was a lot calmer than ETH Denver. The venue was gorgeous, but not so big. There were the perfect amount of tables and attendees there.

Since it was not overly crowded, it was very easy to speak to the projects that were sponsoring. I will say that the amount of investors and manpower that’s coming into the space should make everyone realize that this is no passing fad. Mass adoption is coming. Though, I’m sure if you’re reading this, you already know that!

What was really exciting to see is that projects are starting to take data very seriously. It is clear that we’re a big competitor in the space. It may not seem like it right now, but PARSIQ is a powerhouse and the smart money is betting on the horse they think will win. That’s us!

I spoke to a lot of projects that want to take a look at what we can offer them in terms of data delivery. More and more projects are hearing about PARSIQ.

There were also quite a few projects that took a keen interest in IQ Protocol. I will be following up with them and trying to see what we can accomplish in the near future.


PARSIQ is a full-suite data network for building the backend of all Web3 dApps & protocols. The Tsunami API, which will ship in July 2022, will provide blockchain protocols and their clients (e.g. protocol-oriented dApps) with real-time data and historical data querying abilities.

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