PARSIQ’s Tsunami API Launches on Polygon zkEVM

Providing developers, dApps, and protocols with instant access to blockchain data

3 min readAug 7, 2023


The Tsunami API by PARSIQ is now available on Polygon zkEVM, delivering a lightning-fast solution for scaling Ethereum on the Layer-2 platform. Its revolutionary technology has already garnered a devoted community of users and developers, owing to its ability to provide real-time and historical data with advanced querying and monitoring features. With PARSIQ, projects can utilize our services to optimize their operations and easily build within the ecosystem. Gone are the days of waiting for hours or days to access and gather data or spending weeks restructuring it. Thanks to PARSIQ, the process is now instant ⚡️

What Tsunami API can offer the zkEVM eco-system

Tsunami API is a technology designed to efficiently access and retrieve data from blockchain networks, functioning as a non-decentralized system that provides fast and reliable access to various blockchain platforms’ data. Unlike blockchain nodes that focus on writing data to the blockchain, Tsunami API specializes in reading data, addressing the limitations of the Ethereum Virtual Machine and other blockchain data frameworks. It tackles issues like infrastructure maintenance, data accessibility, interoperability, rich data extraction, and flexibility of access. The API’s unique architecture offers a robust solution for blockchain data retrieval, making it a foundational technology for building various Web3 data products and services.

We’re here to help users to dive deep into zkEVM’s data and apply various filtration mechanisms to search the blockchain history. Both real-time and historical data can be obtained, providing the ability to track metrics such as TVL, liquidity, token prices, APR, APY, ROI, user balances, and more. With the ability to filter data based on sender, receiver, or contracts interacted with, among other criteria, users can retrieve valuable insights into the blockchain network.

Want to try it for yourself? Sign up!

About Polygon zkEVM

Polygon zkEVM Mainnet Beta is a zero knowledge (ZK) rollup, a Layer 2 scaling solution that inherits security from Ethereum without breaking equivalence with the EVM. This allows devs to seamlessly deploy their existing smart contracts, no re-tooling or re-auditing required. Anything that works with the EVM — tools, wallets, etc. — works with Polygon zkEVM, friction-free.

By leveraging ZK tech, Polygon zkEVM Mainnet Beta significantly reduces transaction costs while retaining Ethereum Layer-1 security. Polygon zkEVM Mainnet Beta is not only cheaper than Ethereum, it’s cheaper than most other L2s, including optimistic rollups.

Polygon zkEVM is also a novel technology, which is why it’s still in Beta. It will take time for the network to mature. While this initial release may have bugs and network availability issues, it underwent several rigorous code audits, by two independent security teams, before going live on Mainnet.

Polygon zkEVM’s core benefits include reduced costs for users with transaction batching, equivalence with the EVM for devs, and access to Ethereum’s robust, second-to-none network activity. The security features and cost efficiencies make it valuable for any use-case, with DeFi foremost among them.


PARSIQ is a full-suite data network for building the backend of all Web3 dApps & protocols. The Tsunami API provides blockchain protocols and their clients (e.g., protocol-oriented dApps) with real-time and historical data querying abilities. Data Lake APIs allow complex data querying & filtering for any project, specifically designed and tailored for our customers’ blockchain data needs.

Supported blockchain platforms: Ethereum, Polygon, Polygon zkEVM, BNB Chain, Avalanche, Arbitrum, and Metis.

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