$PRQ is Listed on Crypto.com

Published in
4 min readApr 7, 2022

PARSIQ is proud to announce that we are listed on both the Crypto.com Exchange and on the Crypto.com App!

Let’s cut straight to the chase…

Starting today, $PRQ is listed on the Crypto.com App and Exchange!

You can now easily buy $PRQ at true cost with USD, EUR, GBP, and 20+ fiat currencies using the Crypto.com App. Click here to download the app, or click here for more info.

On the exchange it has a $PRQ/$USDT trading pair. Here is a link which will take you directly to where you can trade to your heart’s content: https://crypto.com/exchange/trade/spot/PRQ_USDT!

Hello, to the Crypto.com community! 🖖

As with any new relationship, it always starts by saying, “hello”!

So, to begin, we want to thank Crypto.com and their community for welcoming us in.

And, in the same spirit, we want to welcome any and all newcomers to the PARSIQ community. Please join us on Telegram, Discord, Twitter, Reddit, YouTube, or among any of the other channels we have available!

PARSIQ is proud to have $PRQ join the ranks of the tokens listed on Crypto.com. As Tom Tirman (CEO) put it,

“We’re delighted to announce our $PRQ token is live on Crypto.com! The exchange has seen impressive growth over the last 18 months and the average volume continues to steadily increase as they onboard more retail and institutional investors.

Acquisitions like the Crypto.com Arena in Los Angeles, and prime SuperBowl commercials with A-list talent, indicates the scale of their ambition. We’re thrilled to take PARSIQ to the next level with Crypto.com as an exchange partner.”

Like Crypto.com, PARSIQ is in it for the long-haul. Our aim is to become a reliable, persistent mainstay — a go-to enabler of widespread adoption of — blockchain technologies. With the renewed interest in interoperability, there is now a renewed interest in critical infrastructure and middleware. Being at the forefront of this movement, we are excited for the road ahead!

Now, some context about the $PRQ listing

Our listing of $PRQ on Crypto.com follows directly in the wake of some major moves by the team at PARSIQ.

In fact, the listing of $PRQ points to a confidence in PARSIQ and the team to deliver long-term value to the blockchain industry.

How so?

For one thing, we recently announced our plans to completely redefine Web3 backend systems. Essentially, PARSIQ has a host of new products in production, all built on current, core technology. These new products will position our platform as the go-to solution — the “one stop shop” — for Web3 data, both accessing and monitoring. Not only will our customers be able to have an immediate, real-time look at what’s happening on-chain, but they will also be able to read historical data at the fastest speeds possible (e.g., reading 1m blocks in ~25 seconds!).

For another thing, IQ Protocol (which was created by the team at PARSIQ) has recently closed a $12m investment round. A lot of excitement is being generated by what IQ Protocol is offering. This is because IQ Protocol has the power to greatly expand the potential utility of all of your digital assets, especially when it comes to NFTs. Importantly, the data from PARSIQ is one of the key pieces of IQ Protocol’s infrastructure, relying on both real-time, historical and enhanced data streamed from PARSIQ.

$PRQ Incentives and Staking

Now that you’ll be buying $PRQ on Crypto.com, be sure to take advantage of our incentives and staking rewards.

By staking $PRQ on IQ Protocol you’ll not only…

  1. Earn 2x Yield Boost on your staking rewards

but you will also

  1. Qualify to earn free $IQT tokens!

Why would you pass up opportunities as good as these?!

(We know… you wouldn’t!)

So, have a look at this $PRQ staking guide to learn how to start earning your rewards now!

Happy trading $PRQ on Crypto.com!


PARSIQ is a full-suite data network for building the backend of all Web3 dApps & protocols. The Tsunami API, which will ship in July 2022, will provide blockchain protocols and their clients (e.g. protocol-oriented dApps) with real-time data and historical data querying abilities.

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