The Challenge of Reliability in Web3 Data Retrieval

Unicorn Workshop 🦄 by PARSIQ | Sep 21, 11 AM PDT

3 min readSep 19, 2023


Hello, blockchain frens and #BUIDLers! As we gear up for our exciting workshop on Thursday, Sep 21, 11 AM PDT, we thought it would be helpful to provide an overview and a set of resources to ensure you get the most out of this session.


Blockchain, with its decentralized nature, brings forth a new era of applications and services. However, developers often face hurdles when attempting to retrieve Web3 data. At this workshop, we’ll discuss these challenges and introduce you to the solutions PARSIQ has developed to address them.


Here are the challenges developers face in Web3 data retrieval:

  1. Latency and Slow Response: Network congestion can delay data retrieval, hindering real-time applications.
  2. Data Integrity and Consistency: Developers often grapple with data inconsistencies caused by network disruptions or forks.
  3. Inconsistent APIs: Different blockchains offer varied APIs, each with its unique limitations.
  4. Reliability Gaps: Existing APIs may suffer from outages or poor performance, impacting application reliability.
  5. Complex Querying and Filtering: Crafting queries for specific data points can be daunting and error-prone.
  6. Lack of Historical Data: Some APIs might not provide enough historical data, which is crucial for analysis and research.

This can stall the development process, slow down innovation, and lead to unreliable applications.

🌊 Tsunami API

Meet the Tsunami API by PARSIQ — our answer to the above challenges. It ensures data retrieval from blockchains is fast, accurate, and reliable.

Key Features:

  • Access to Historical and Real-Time Data for diverse use cases.
  • Reliability to ensure consistent application functionality even during disruptions.
  • Consistency in data across various blockchains.
  • Speed for real-time applications to swiftly respond to blockchain events.

By using the Tsunami API, developers can significantly reduce issues related to unreliable APIs, data inconsistencies, and slow responses.

Tsunami API and Data Lakes Demo

Ready to see everything in action? In this segment, we’ll show you how the Tsunami API works and guide you in setting up a Data Lake.

🔑 Get Your API Key

📖 Familiarize Yourself With Our API Docs

📜 Check Out the Contract and Events

📁 Clone Our GitHub Repo

Follow the steps provided during the 🦄 Workshop to set up and monitor a voting contract on the Ethereum Sepolia testnet.

With Tsunami API and Data Lakes:

  • Power interfaces, dashboards, and DeFi protocol data.
  • Assist in analytics, trend analysis, and protocol usage analysis.
  • Leverage data for machine learning applications.
  • Generate real-time notifications and alerts.
  • Explore blockchains programmatically.

PARSIQ’s tools offer the reliability, flexibility, and efficiency developers need in the Web3 space. With Tsunami API and Data Lakes, you can tailor your data insights and power various applications.

But now, it’s time for questions!


After our demonstration, we’ll have a Q&A segment where our host Ivan Ivanitskiy will address any queries from the community.

Thank you for joining us! As a token of our appreciation, remember that we’re offering a chance to win a 6-month PARSIQ Pro plan. A lucky participant will be chosen at random from those who have registered for the workshop. Don’t miss out!

Mark your calendars and see you on Thursday, Sep 21, 11 AM PDT! 🚀🦄

