The Future of Data — AI and Beyond

Artificial Intelligence Breakthroughs Highlight the True Value and Power of Data

4 min readJan 18, 2023


The recent release of ChatGPT has once again re-catapulted the topic of Artificial Intelligence into the mainstream. This time, it feels a bit different — with OpenAI delivering a chatbot that has far exceeded the capabilities of all other chatbots which have come before it. From the Twitter-verse and beyond, users from all walks of life are not only walking away from the platform impressed — but also with serious contemplation as to how such advances in technology are set to permanently change the way we work and live.

But how does a bot like ChatGPT even come to existence to begin with? And how can future bots (whether it be ChatGPT or otherwise), leverage datasets not only from the Web2 world — but also from the decentralized Web3 one?

Collecting, Organizing, and Leveraging Data

Users who have tested out ChatGPT may be curious to know that the initial release was trained on a dataset of approximately eight million webpages. Sliced and diced differently, that’s approximately 300 billion words, equating to roughly 570GB worth of data. As a language model, ChatGPT leverages probability to make educated guesses. With the assistance of the team behind ChatGPT — humans make corrections to the model when ChatGPT gets it wrong — slowly correcting and building the bot’s base knowledge.

The collection of the 8 million webpages was performed by the OpenAI team by scraping text from sources on the internet — including websites, books, articles, and more. The team also leveraged data from online forums and chat logs. Finally, OpenAI cleaned the data to then train the bot. Over time, the training has led to the first release of the bot which the public sees today.

From Web2 to Web3

While web crawlers digging through the world wide web to scrape data and index the internet is a task that is somewhat well known — the same cannot be said for the scraping and indexing of data on the blockchain, of which the process varies significantly differently.

At a high level, collecting and organizing data on the blockchain is a five-step process:

  1. Collection
  2. Processing
  3. Storage
  4. Indexing
  5. Retrieval

Collecting data involves obtaining the raw data (directly from the blockchain itself). The data is then processed, as it doesn’t come in a format that is human-readable. Part of this process may also involve cleaning, transforming, and validating that the data is correct. The data is then stored and indexed — according to the needs of the indexer and the ultimate end user of the data. Lastly, with the data loaded, cleaned, and indexed, the end user can then retrieve the data as needed.

Web3 Data Indexing & Storage Solutions

As blockchain technologies continue its upward trajectory in growth and adoption, it is reasonable to assume that the need to index and store such data for easy and quick retrieval will continue to rise. In the way that centralized Web2 companies today are able to leverage the data they have collected to obtain actionable insights, the playing field will soon be leveled with Web3 solutions being able to provide the same level of analysis across decentralized networks.

On that front, companies like PARSIQ are leading the way in an effort to track and analyze complex blockchain data in real-time. The company provides indexing and data storage solutions which allow Web3 projects to leverage key data sets which exist in the decentralized space.

With the 2022 release of its Tsunami API, PARSIQ provides developers, dApps, and protocols with access to full spectrums of data on supported blockchains. The release of PARSIQ’s Data Lakes also takes Tsunami one step further. Data Lakes refine the API by providing custom-tailored data for each of the dApps or protocols which are supported by the lake. Web3 solutions who leverage PARSIQ’s Data Lakes will also open a world of data for its customers and other potential 3rd party users.

The Future of Data — AI and Beyond

ChatGPT has taken what looks to only be the first step in revolutionizing the way we see, think about, and interact with artificial intelligence. But none of this would even be remotely possible without the collection, organization, and processing of enormous data sets. In the Web2 world, these tools are already in place. In Web3, things are just getting started.

PARSIQ is leading the way in providing the next generation of decentralized projects with the tools to make sense of data on the blockchain. With blazing fast speeds seen from its API, to the ability to leverage analytics through its Data Lake solution, the company is just beginning to define the future of Web3 data collection, processing, and delivery.

Who knows? As ChatGPT eventually expands its way to including the analysis of decentralized networks, PARSIQ will be among those who are ready to provide the data tools needed to help train that iteration of the bot.

