Tsunami API: Alpha Testing Update

Published in
3 min readJun 28, 2022

Just one month ago, we updated our community about the ongoing, successful alpha testing phase of our Tsunami API.

In the run up to the launch of this flagship product, we wanted to provide a quick update about how the testing has been going in June.

You will find the update below. But if you’re curious to learn more about how the Tsunami API (as well as PARSIQ’s Data Lakes and Data Hubs) will set a new standard for Web3 data, visit this link:

How has the testing progressed?

At the time of our initial announcement of the testing phase, the Tsunami API was running on Ethereum mainnet and Görli testnets. And during the initial stages of the testing, we had just over 15 projects signed on to take part.

We are happy to report that the testing has been going impressively well.

The Tsunami API is now up and running on Avalanche and Binance Smart Chain — with Polygon just around the corner!

We have also nearly completed our NFT Data Lake, which will provide support for all NFT-related data on Ethereum and Polygon.

With Tsunami now running on all of these chains, we have increased the number to 22 of projects (and still growing!) signed on to take part in the testing phase!

How has the Tsunami API been received?

All of the testers have been very positive about the Tsunami API, and are looking forward to utilizing it full-time.

While we’re not ready to share more details about the names of the projects involved and feedback from their developers, one tester put it particularly well:

Oh… it’s fast!!

The Tsunami is coming!

PARSIQ believes that Web3 and blockchain technology is the future. But we also believe that, in order to usher in the next generation of functionality, innovation, and adoption, platforms will need more than simple access to data.

What is needed is highly specified, customizable, fast, and flexible access to that data. With the launch of the Tsunami API on the horizon — coming in July 2022 — that is exactly what PARSIQ Network offers.

We look forward to updating you further on the Tsunami API, and are excitedly anticipating its launch in July!


PARSIQ is a full-suite data network for building the backend of all Web3 dApps & protocols. The Tsunami API, which will ship in July 2022, will provide blockchain protocols and their clients (e.g. protocol-oriented dApps) with real-time data and historical data querying abilities.

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