[Video] Build a Web 3 Custom API with PARSIQ’s SDK: Monitoring a Voting Contract

Discover how to build a custom Web3 API using PARSIQ’s SDK with Ivan’s step-by-step guide on monitoring a voting contract. Dive into the transformative power of blockchain data retrieval, made easier and more accessible with PARSIQ.

3 min readOct 10, 2023


Blockchain technology promises transparency and accessibility. While the data on a blockchain is public, extracting it remains a technical challenge. Enter the PARSIQ SDK, a tool designed to help you access and utilize this data with ease.

In a recent how-to video, Ivan from PARSIQ showcased the steps to build a Web3 custom API using the PARSIQ SDK. Here, we provide a concise breakdown of the most crucial aspects covered in the video, urging you to watch it for a more comprehensive understanding.

Why monitor a voting contract? Voting contracts, like the one Ivan deployed on the Sipolia testnet, are an essential application of blockchain tech. These contracts often contain candidates with unique IDs, vote counts, and corresponding events and functions. By monitoring them, one can harness the data for analytics, dashboards, trading insights, and more. With PARSIQ, tracking such events becomes a breeze.

Getting Started with PARSIQ:

  1. Access and API Key: First, visit parsiq.net to access the SDK documentation and API docs. Sign up, generate your API key, and you’re ready to proceed.
  2. Tsunami API: This feature-rich API offers endpoints to capture raw data blocks such as events, transfers, and more. It even boasts custom Web3 APIs that help monitor NFT holdings, balances and other functionalities.
  3. Track the Events: With your API key in place, determine the blockchain (like Ethereum) and specify the contract address you want to monitor. To narrow down the data extraction, define a block range and provide the event’s topic 0.

Deploying the Data Lake:

  1. Repository Clone: Begin by cloning the recommended repository (link provided in the video).
  2. Configurations: Update the Tsunami API key in the Data Lake file. Ensure the API of the smart contract is accurate. Define your network and provide the necessary contract addresses and topics. Importantly, specify the data layout for your storage.
  3. Event Processors: Create processing functions that capture and store relevant data from your events. For example, in a voting system, a function might track a new candidate’s addition or log each vote.
  4. Launch the Data Lake: Use Docker to build and run the data lake. Monitor its progress to ensure block processing. To verify, connect to the database and check for accurate data logging.

In essence, the PARSIQ SDK offers an intuitive way to track, process, and store event data from specific smart contracts on blockchains. The potential applications are limitless, from tracking voting on proposals to monitoring transfers on financial DApps.


By leveraging tools like the PARSIQ SDK, even those not deeply familiar with blockchain intricacies can extract, process, and utilize vital data. Whether you’re developing a new DApp or analyzing existing contracts, PARSIQ offers a robust solution. For a detailed walkthrough and to truly grasp each step, don’t forget to check out Ivan’s video tutorial.

And remember, as with any tool, the real power lies in understanding its potential and creatively applying it to your unique needs. Dive in, explore, and let the world of Web3 open up to you!

Useful Links


PARSIQ is a full-suite data network for building the backend of all Web3 dApps & protocols. The Tsunami API provides blockchain protocols and their clients (e.g., protocol-oriented dApps) with real-time and historical data querying abilities.

Data Lake APIs allow complex data querying & filtering for any project, specifically designed and tailored for our customers’ blockchain data needs. Supported blockchain platforms: Ethereum, Polygon, Polygon zkEVM, BNB Chain, Avalanche, Arbitrum, and Metis.

Website: https://www.parsiq.net

Blog: https://medium.com/parsiq

Link3.to: https://link3.to/parsiq

