Enjoying a friendly office debate on how we should all spell “through”/“thru.”

A Day in the Life of a Part and Sum Strategist

Julie Babb
Part and Sum


Emily, tell me about your morning.

I head to work around 8:30. I love the reverse commute from Manhattan into Brooklyn, I always get a seat on the subway and it doesn’t take long at all. You get the most amazing view of the Brooklyn Bridge. The only hard part is walking past Coulson bakery on my way in, which has an intoxicating croissant smell wafting from the vents each morning. Hellish.

When I get into the office, I grab a coffee and have a casual debrief with my colleagues about what’s happening in the world, memes, pop-culture, someone’s wedding planning, etc. Once settled in, I’ll generally check in on Slack. We have direct Slack channels with our clients which makes it a lot easier and faster to communicate. I also jump into FB ads manager every day to see how social ads are doing . Then loop in the tech team to make sure we’re on track for performance and we’ll talk about any adjustments that need to be made.

We just launched a D2C product for Valentine’s Day, so this morning I prepped for a meeting with the client to go over learnings. Then I set up a survey for international customers for another client — figuring out the right questions to ask and the flow of the experience — to inform future strategy.

Other things from this morning were, jumping into a quick whiteboard session with a couple other strategists to plan a media buy for the opening of some new locations for a fitness client. And one of my favorite things, which is stakeholder interviews. That’s when we talk to a range of people across an organization we’re working with to better understand their business.

Emily, Angus and Elliott Media Planning.

What do you typically do for lunch?

I try to bring in food when I can, but there are so many options here it’s easy not to. Industry City is a destination for foodies, so it’s fun to explore different options. There’s a whole foodcourt just for Japanese food.There’s also Thai, Indian, Mexican, Mediterannean, pizza…so much. I usually bring food back and eat it in the kitchen area with co-workers. If it’s nice, we’ll eat outside in one of the big courtyards. Today I opted for a falafel salad from Sahadi’s, an iconic Middle Eastern grocery store which just opened a shop here.

What about this afternoon? What are up to?

I have my monthly catch up with our managing Director, Julie. She and I generally walk around Restoration Hardware and ABC home and chat while perusing homegoods. There’s a ton to do at Industry City, it’s kind of like working at a Brooklyn theme park.

Bella is one of a few very friendly dogs roaming around our Camp David office.

I’m also putting together a “What to Expect” document and recruiting experts for an Innovation Sprint I’m leading in a couple weeks with an education company.

I just had my afternoon snack, an RX bar, which is my favorite snack here. The team takes “snack orders” every few weeks — this one is mine. I also took a break to ask the #help Slack channel what type of things I

need to buy for my new puppy! We are a dog-friendly office. Sometimes a dog will just come say “hello” and ask for a pet.

Today is Friday, so we’ll have our weekly Retro meeting. During this meeting we all list “happy” “meh” and “sad” things for the week. We’ll celebrate the happy things and put together actionable solutions for the “sad things.” This is a great way to regroup as a team, help each other, and continuously be solutions focused not just for our clients, but for our own team.

Retrospective before heading out on a Friday.

Afterwards, at around 5pm, I’ll head out. There’s a strong emphasis on work/life balance here. We’re all focused on working efficiently during the day and organizing our time in a way that allows us to leave work behind at the end of the afternoon and come back at fresh to start the new day. Or in this case, on Monday.

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