Activity: Test your pitch with a Facebook ad

Jim Babb
Part and Sum
Published in
3 min readMar 14, 2017


So you’ve got a new product, idea or brand position. How do you identify and communicate its most important elements? How do you get your team excited — and in agreement — about what it means, who it’s for and why it’s great?

In these situations, people often talk about the elevator pitch: a quick, concise summary that’s designed to cut through noise and communicate value. An elevator pitch contains all the important stuff and none of the filler, which makes it an ideal tool for selling new ideas, both internally and externally.

A good Facebook ad is a lot like a good elevator pitch. Despite its limited size and fleeting nature, it can stand out from the clutter in your feed, impress you with its relevance and make a big impact. Plus, these days, it’s almost a given that every product, piece of content or idea will eventually surface as a Facebook post or ad.

That’s why I’ve created this printable template you can use to workshop your pitch in a Facebook ad format (editable version). It’s a creative (and collaborative!) way to discover the essence of your idea, and it’s a lot more fun than staring at a blank Word document.

This is an actual pitch

Before jumping into the template, there are a few things you should have:

  1. A general understanding of the intended audience: In order for your team…



Jim Babb
Part and Sum

Strategist, game designer, and entrepreneur. I get strategic @PartandSum , and make fun with @Awkward_Hug