Another 5 Ways to calm down immediately

Future Light
Published in
2 min readMay 29, 2024
photo used on Unsplash

Some students are emotional and easily anger in classrooms. Maybe due to different reasons from teachers and classmates. Some of them may insist on what they think about and cannot accept any ideas from others. So, they need times to clam down and settle self firstly. Most of them will be carried to my counseling room in order to let teachers teach in classroom and reduce the harmful effects to classmates.

The followings are another 5 useful ways which I mostly use to help students to calm down immediately.

1) Walking around in the outdoor

Sometimes, I will accompany them to walk around in the cover playground or outdoor area in school. By walking slowly, they can move round that can be easily to calm down. But make sure of the safety that I would like to walk with them together.

2) Eating some Candy or snacks

I would like to give some candy or snacks for them to eat at that time. The action of sucking can have a soothing, fidgeting effect that can distract their mind easily.

3) Watching a few minutes video

Watching video films can let them calm down easily. Actually, they can watch the moved images or cartoon that can distract their attention more quickly. Some joke cartoons make them feel relaxed at that time.

4) Wash Face with water

I would like to tell the student to wash their face with cool water if they feel ok. It is good for the sensation of feeling cool. It can trigger a calming physiological response and interrupt the stress response.

5) Playing in my room

Giving them some chess or board games to play instead of asking question can be a good method to let them calm down. As they can do other things, it is easily to think others at that time. Some of the students would like to draw somethings that I let them do it.

There are a lot of useful methods of helping students calm down when they have emotions. However, we can select which is suitable for students from their character, interest and their situations at that time. I think everyone may have emotion if the situation is not suitable. It is important to let us calm down first and think methods of solving the problems later.



Future Light

I want to share my experience of helping people and counseling in my life to encourage people