Astral Attacks Acts 4:32

Elizabeth Simmons
Future Light
Published in
2 min readMay 18, 2024
Writer takes full responsibility for the copyright of this image.

In the realm of auras, where ethics blur,

And consent is irrelevant, impure.

Psychics parrot personal lives, their motives obscure.

Yet, most want to be spiritually grounded, secure,

Humiliation is no fun, and does not heal the sick, poor, and insecure,

No true spiritual teacher advocates this brand of deceit,

Astral attacks fueled by power trips, envy, fear, and pride,

Respect the flock of your congregation, side by side. Let go of conceit,

Be in your own space, yet share communion. Repeat,

the lessons and parables of the gospel to all, not just the elite.

Show them God’s light, in all we do, the miracles of Christ, do not compete.

But, if you trespass on others than prepare for Karma’s harsh fate,

Joke, tease, laugh, but follow the Golden Rule, practice what you “Preach.”

“You be nice to me, I will be nice to you,” or meet your soul’s Hellish defeat.

No need for imaginary ninja wars on any plane, let people be free,

Stop overreacting to parishioners, misreading everything you overhear.

Release anger, resentment, past trauma, and material greed,

Trample on the evil snakes of this world as Jesus Christ taught. Lead,

the next generation to the New Jerusalem, honor your Holy Creed.

Writer takes full responsibility for the copyright of this image.

Note to readers: This is a didactic poem. The poem deploys rhyme and rhythm 🥁🎼🎻, as well as structured form. As per the rules of poetry this classify’s it as a form of didactic poetry.



Elizabeth Simmons
Future Light

Elizabeth is an author with a major in English Literature, and known for her engaging stories.