Dolly’s Journey of Growth: Learning from Mistakes and Finding Empathy

Faisal Amin
Future Light
Published in
3 min readMay 4, 2024

Lessons Learned: Empathy and Responsibility…

Dolly, why did you bother Uncle Bhoro today?

Her aunt inquired. Dolly grimaced in response, “He was blocking my path, Auntie.” A stubborn fish, Dolly lived in a large pond with her mother. She was rebellious, often doing what she was told not to do. Despite her mother’s advice, Dolly persisted in troubling others.

Dolly’s Journey of Growth: Learning from Mistakes and Finding Empathy
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Today, she cut down Bhoro’s hard work of planting a green bush with her sharp teeth. Bhoro was upset and complained to Dolly’s mother, who scolded her but understood her ways. “Dolly, what shall we play today?” her friend Nuni asked. “I don’t feel like playing at all,” Dolly replied. So, they went to the edge of the pond instead.

Dolly, known for her loud calls, disturbed the tranquillity. An elegant white bird nearby rebuked her rudeness. Dolly retorted sharply, “Uncle, you shouldn’t sit quietly if your feet hurt.” Concerned, Nuni asked about his injury, learning it was a snake bite. She advised Dolly to understand and be silent, as noise worsens pain. Dolly, however, insisted on making noise, prompting Uncle to leave. Nuni felt ashamed of Dolly’s behaviour. Days later, Dolly broke a tooth, colliding with a sharp stone while searching for food.

In pain, she cried out, and her mother rushed to her side.

Mama! I’m in so much pain. Please give me medicine quickly so I can feel better. Doli cried. Sister, take Doli to the herbalist near the bungalow. They make medicine from herbs that bring relief quickly. Bhoru’s tortoise said his mom had taken him to the bungalow soon after. “Brother, my Doli’s tooth is broken, and now she’s in much pain. I’ve heard you have herbal medicine.

Please help us.” Doli felt ashamed because in front of her was the same uncle she had annoyed with her squeaky voice. Now they would complain to his mom, she thought, and Doli’s life would be over. But they didn’t say anything and put medicine in Doli’s mouth, saying, “Doli, eat soft foods and don’t drink cold water for a few days.”

Hearing Uncle Bungalow’s words, Doli was surprised at how nicely they responded to her bad behaviour. She felt intensely sorry for her mistakes, vowed from the heart not to trouble anyone in the future, and yes, not to make noise because it increases the pain.

Uncle Bungalow looked at Doli with a smile. “Sorry uncle,” Doli whispered as she left their house. Uncle Bungalow nodded as if to say they had forgiven her. Dear children! Doli has changed herself; she doesn’t trouble anyone now because she knows that those who trouble others also get worried themselves.

— — — — — — — — — — — — — — -<The End> — — — — — — — — — — — — — —

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Faisal Amin
Future Light

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