Rajesh Poovathum Kadavil
Future Light
Published in
2 min readJun 19, 2024


Earth’s Plates Shifting Slowly Apart

Indian Subcontinent Splitting in Two, Claims Chinese University Study

New Research Indicates Tectonic Activity Splitting Indian Subcontinent

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A study from Ocean University of China suggests that the Indian subcontinent might be splitting into two parts. This theory comes from research on the levels of Helium-3 in Tibetan springs.

We already know that the African continent is slowly splitting and may collide with the Indian subcontinent in millions of years. Reports show that the cracks in Africa are growing bigger each day. Now, there is one more study that we can join the mentioned concerns about.

Probably you are aware that the tectonic plate beneath the Tibetan plateau seems to be breaking in two, According to researchers at the Ocean University of China. They ground this idea into the new earthquake data. These data also suggested that scientists know more about the formation of the Himalayan mountain ranges from the above-given data.

About 60 million years ago, the Indo-Australian plate started to attempt to converge with the Eurasian plate and the process created a mountain range known as the Himalayas. In the past, people believed that the India plate descended on the Eurasian plate bringing the mountains…



Rajesh Poovathum Kadavil
Future Light

Rajesh Poovathumkadavil is an Indian-born content writer with a passion for crafting engaging articles,Poems and stories.