How to Build Up the Trust With Clients in Counseling

Future Light
Published in
2 min readJun 1, 2024
Photo by Alex Shute on Unsplash

It is important to build up trust with the clients during the counseling. As most of the clients will not be easily to trust you in the first meeting, it needs to let them understand the purpose of counseling. We show our sincere attitude to help them solve their problem by listening to them without judges. Then, how to build up the trust relationship?

1) Show our empathy and understanding

The first impression for the client is important as they don’t know who you are. Some of them may say their situation in detail but not the true content. However, we should try our best to understand them. They need our support and concern with paying attention to them and sometimes show our empathy if in need. For example, I can see how difficult this situation has been for you. It’s understandable to feel frustrated.

2) Maintain Confidentiality

Some clients may be concerned about their privacy. They worry about any disclosure if they say about their situation. So, it is necessary to keep in confidential. Unless it is about any safety like suicide, we must tell their parents. Mostly, we have to build up trust that should be let them feel comfortable and safe. For example, anything we discuss will remain confidential, unless of anu concern of your safety.

3) Demonstrate Consistency and Reliability

We need to demonstrate to the clients of our consistency. So, we need to confirm our wordings and be confidence that let clients understand our meanings and the ways of solving their problems. For example, I’m committed to being here for you on a regular basis and provide some information for your reference.

In my conclusion, it is the first step to build up relationships with trust that show our sincere attitude, reliable ways of solution, confidentiality. It is important to let them feel comfortable and safe that they can be willingness to come next time.



Future Light

I want to share my experience of helping people and counseling in my life to encourage people